03: Messages.

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Christopher woke up almost half an hour before his alarm clock. For this reason - that he still had time to get up, and even more time to start getting ready for work - he opened the phone. What was his surprise when he saw the notification from the Tinder app - Seungmin texted him himself, first. He quickly opened the application and launched a chat with a boy he didn't know yet.

(Seungmin / Bangchan)

I'm Seungmin, nice to meet you! :D

//Bangchan immediately thought that the boy was friendly. And he didn't want to meet some boor with an insufferable character.//

I'm Chris

Oh! you replied!
I'm really glad!
How are you??

It seems to me that everything is fine
And with you?

I think it's good, but really boring
I noticed that you don't have anything in your biography so...
Why don't you write something about yourself?

I am 22 years old and I work in one of the best companies in Seoul. This is the most "basic" information


nd do you have any hobbies??

I don't think I have any

And you have a pet???????

The cat's name is Barry

Poor kittie
It has a super boring name :(
Who hurt him so much and named him like this?


I mean
No winces
This name is very...
So typical but beautiful😅

Let's assume I believe you
But enough about me
You're studying, right?

Academy of Art

And how are you doing?

I am one of the best students in the department!
I have this talent

It's really brilliant
You're very nice and it's fun to text you, but I have to get to work because the company doesn't tolerate being late
I'll text you after work or during my break, what do you say?

Have a good work, Chris!

Thank you
Bye Bye!


Chan wasn't lying. He really ended the conversation with the younger one because thirty minutes had passed and he had to get ready for work. He did his daily morning routine: Quick shower, breakfast and coffee, put on a suit, pack all the necessary papers and leave for work.

In the company, as usual, it was very quiet but also very boring. Nothing ever happened there. But that's how things are for everyone. Peace and quiet for people working in decent companies is music for the soul.

Unfortunately our Christopher was a bit worse today. Although, maybe not worse, but difficult. Why? Well, part of his thoughts, which two days ago would have been taken over by work, was occupied by a nineteen-year-old blond man, who at this point is probably studying at the university or fooling around with friends. It puzzled him. His mind was still occupied by the question of whether he was bored or sad because he had ended their conversation. Or did he think going to work was an excuse?

"Channie, what's going on?" asked an employee sitting at an adjacent desk. He didn't like her. She always flirted with him. But it's not her fault that she doesn't know it's all for nothing. No one except Chris's family and closest friends knew that he is gay. "You haven't written a letter on the computer for ten minutes!"

"Ah, I'm sorry. I got lost in thoughts." You can only imagine how much he didn't want this conversation.

"Don't apologize, Channie! It's completely normal. If you'd like to talk or something... I'm always willing." She winked at him, and the man barely suppressed his gag reflex.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll remember." He turned to the computer and started working as quickly as possible.


As soon as the break started, he made himself a quick coffee and pulled out his phone, texting Seungmin. This time the conversation was very nice and fun. Just like they were best friends or something like that. A smile appeared on Chan's lips, which he couldn't hide. This made his "friend" from work very jealous, who has been trying to get in his pants for a long time. She doesn't like the fact that a man she likes text with someone else smiles like a fool, and when she speaks, he tries to end their conversation as soon as possible.

The break was over for the twenty-two-year-old very quickly. During this time, he did not look away from the phone screen for a moment, exchanging messages with Seungmin, who was also very happy that Chan kept his word and texted him.


Chris finished work at 6:45 pm. He left the building, nearly falling over as his gaze was once again concentrated on the phone only. He texted with Seungmin on whatever topic he could come up with. They only stopped texting each other while the elder was driving home, because writing while driving would endanger his life and the lives of others. And they didn't want an accident to happen.
When he happily arrived at the apartment, he greeted the cat, gave him food, put on something more comfortable and returned to the conversion with the younger one. Then he remembered why he was actually using this dating app now. In addition, the fact that he has two days off, because it was the weekend and he didn't work on weekends, he decided to go out with Seungmin. Fortunately, he agreed right away. They agreed to meet at a cafe, which they both had close to, at 14:00.

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