chapter 7

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After your mother woke Kiri up you helped the Sully's clean up the things in there marui when you heard a calling.
"What was that?" Jake says
"The tulkun.." you say walking out of the mari
The whole clan went out to sea and then you heard you sister telling them that the tulkun have returned. All the tulkun russe's in and it was beautiful. You father went out on a skywalker happy of what happened.

You all sat watching them before you said
"Come on!" To lo'ak. You both hooped on a skywalker right behind tseriya.
"Look! Its my spirit sister!" She shouts.
You tseriya and lo'ak go under water to see follow the tulkun you touching them just pike you had before.

'sister I see you' you find your mother signing to her spiritsister it answers they seem to only talk about baby's. That's when you find out your mother's having a boy, great!. Tseriya talks to hers to says she had met a boy you wonder who it was? All of them went to there tulkuns
'wheres yours' lo'ak signs

'uhm mine-' you try signing before the clan all go above water so you follow. Big ships come in and a whole bunch of people from an unknown clan pop out. They destroyed all of our things and hurt your people you whisper to lo'ak and his family

"Follow me" you run around and hide around the maruis being very cautious. They shoot the Skywalkers. It makes you mad but you had nothing with you but a switchblade you carried everywhere. So u had to stay hidden. They tase your people,harm them. And even your mother.

A skyperson with blonde dreads talks to them he seemed to know na'vi but he was on there side. He told them to stop and tries stoping. You watch from the sides
"What's happening?" Jake whispers
"Shh" you say back

They burn the maris setting fire to the island
"We stay out I'm sure my father will come!" You say and you all sit in the Sully's marui which is still standing you leave and so do there kids you walk by your father and hug him. He hugs back and without a word walks by and into the Sully's marui. You don't think but to walk to your family and when you turn back the rest of the sullys where gone even lo'ak.

You run up to your family hugging them all and asking so many questions. Suddenly the thought ran through your mind that your family could be dead by now. They could have ended there life's. And what would you have done. Just watched?

"Are you ok ma!" You say running up to her and hugging her tightly. Her back had slap marks on it. You look at them closely.
"I'm ok, don't worry.." she says in a low voice, it scares you she's pregnant with your baby brother you had to keep her safe now. Before you get to talk any longer you hear someone moaning in pain when you look over you see run as fast as you can to her grabing onto her like she might slip away.

"Are you ok!" You say. She looks at you. Her back was badly tased, a long burn mark went down her back. "I-im ok, it just hurts a little.." she says resting her head on your shoulder as you held her."where have you been, these past few days you haven't talked to me at all.." she says just as low as your mother was. You notice you guys haven't talked in a while. Did you leave her to "protect" lo'ak? "I'm sorry I'll never leave your side again!" You say as you start to tear up. The thought that your best friend in so much pain physically hurt you. And the amount of pain she had probably been in this whole time and you didn't even try to say hi.

Thanks for reading!! 💗💗

the water. A Lo'ak X Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now