Chapter 0: "A New Life"

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After the long ever lasting Jounery has finally come to a close. As the group has finally come to close an old chapter of their lives.

Xuanzang, or better known as the Tang Monk. The reincarnation of the Golden Cicada. Becoming the main focus protagonist through out the whole Journey.

Buddha made a plan for him, to come to the Western Heaven to retrieve the sacred scriptures, along side with disciples famously known as,

Zhu Bajie; Pigsy, the celestial swine.

Sha Wujing; Sandy, the River Demon.

Long; Young Dragon, the White Horse Dragon

Jiu Wei Hu; Alya, the Nine Tailed Kitsune.

Sun Wukong; Monkey King, The Great Sage Equal to Heaven.

All five disciples traveled through season. Passed by town after town. Encountering many dangers.

Even though everyone's top priority was to help the Tang Monk make it to the Western Heaven, in order for him to retrieve the scriptures.

Everyone became the closes of friends. Always being there for eachother, having eachothers backs, and even comforting eachother when in hard times. It's clear that everyone cared for one and another. Even almost forgetting why they're on this journey in the first place.

Atleast, two companions thought so.

From the beginning of the Journey till the end from it. Both Monkey King and The Spirit Kitsune has grown fondly of eachother. From an understanding one and another, to endless companions.

Both companions enjoyed eachothers company and wishes to spend along side eachother. Wishing they can stay in those moments for eternity...but, not everything can last forever. Not matter how immortal you are, things change.

(The Western Heaven, No Pov)

After sometime, they made it infront of Heavens Gates. Quickly, clouds formed underneath their feet and were soon lifted above the ground and through the dawn of day.

As they reached higher than the Mountian, the night skies they were in, and were met by none other than the Holy Monk himself.


Every God were by eachothers side, and stayed quite. As they did nothing but stared down at the group itself.

The group smiled as they saw the man himself show his beautiful light. Only by just seeing his face, you'd feel loved.

"Thank you. All of you, for you're hard work. You've all been through such a hard journey and made it..." Buddha said,

He looked over at the Tang Monk.

Tripitaka quickly bowed by his gaze but Buddha lifted his hand,

"MY HERO" (Lego Monkie Kid) Sun WukongXAlya KitsuneWhere stories live. Discover now