Chapter 2: Monkey Weather

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(Mk Pov)

"AND IN BREAKING NEWS! it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon BullKing

Questions still remain about the small overpowered young man who saved us all--zzzz--"

The channel News spoke through the T.V, while Mr. Tang was watching the T.V and eating, once again, noodles. Sitting at a couch that Sandy lended to him to sit by

Everyone was here! Mr. Pigsy, Mr. Tang, Sandy, and my best buddy Mei!

Everyone but....Alya.

Staring over at the ocean, I could only stare to where Monkey Kings home. And can only remember what happened yesterday...

(Yesterday--Mk Pov)

"C-come on, come on A-Alya! Wake up, please! I-I...I can't do this alone" I cried, holding Alyas body in my arms,

When I woke up from a group of monkeys beating me up, I turn to my side to see Alyas body laying on the sand

Surrounded by Monkeys staring down at her, crying her to get up. Running towards her, the first thing I could think of if she's still breathing--to which she was.

Relieved that she's alive but...she isn't waking up.

No matter how much I tried yelling, moving, poking her face, she didn't budge

Worried over took my body, that all I could do is hug her in my arms. Holding the back of her head and bringing her close.

Hiding my face against her collarbone. Feeling useless that I can't do anything to help her.

Monkey fled in and started pulling on my sweater and pants. Unsure of why they attacked me earlier but, one of the younger monkeys pointing me over to some place else around this place,

Unsure of what they wanted from me, but I had a feeling that they were trying to show me something...?

I stare down at Alyas unconscious face, my heart filled with determination.

"I'm not giving you up Alya, please hold on. I'm gonna help you" I tell her, hoping she somehow heard me

I stared following the monkeys throughout the trees and bushes, even encountering a huge waterfall on my way, I still carried Alya on my back. Holding her close to me,

Even though my body felt tired, and my breath was getting heavier and heavier. I couldn't help it but to stare at the beauty of this place....

"Flower Fruit Mountain...I really wish you were awake right now...m-maybe Monkey King can help! He'll know what to do!" I said, feeling my hopes grow

Only making me even more determined to find Monkey King, help Alya and my friends, and soon, the city.

After getting up to a pile of rock stairs, making me sweat by how much I was walking. But soon, finally making it to the top of the mountain, and only to see a beautiful waterfall right infront of me...

After skipping over rocks, while trying my hardest to not drop Alya, I've finally came face to face at the waterfall

Staring over at the running water, the water reflecting my face, I gulped. As I see more monkeys pointing over at the waterfall, encouraging me to walk in

"MY HERO" (Lego Monkie Kid) Sun WukongXAlya KitsuneWhere stories live. Discover now