Chapter 3: Change

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I feel like this chapter isn't good enough but hey! I hope your guys enjoying it!

(Sun Wukong Pov)

While in my bird forn, I sit back and watched Mk fight against Bull King prince Red bab--I mean, Red Son.

Mk was able to defeat Red Son's goons and won the battle against Red Son, making Bull Kings son run away in defeat. Mk was now able to control his power a lot better now...

With my help of course. I mean, if it wasn't for me, he'd be toast.

Mk turned the weather controls back to its normal temperatures, and helped his friends and save the city from nature. Which, I don't really know how therye able to control the weather....meh. who cares, everyone's safe

After Mk left the weather building along side his friends, I stayed back and looked around only to see some robotic goons destroyed into pieces, and some still wondering around but broken

Flying down, and turned myself into my original form. I clap my hands, grabbing the robots attentions

"Aight! That's a wrap! Either all of you get lost or go back home to your mAstEr--" I taunted Bull Kings so called name, sticking out my tounge before clenching my fist

"Or, would you rather fight with me instead?" I threatened, making them all shake their wheels and hurriedly started picking up their own scraps and what's left of their friend, they all quickly started to run away

Escaping the building once and for all.

"*siiiiiigh* yesh, and these are Bull Kings so called 'army'? Even my own army can defeat them within a minute" I snickered, before looking over at the broken window Mk went through in order to fight with these dudes

I soon hear some mortals run up to the weather controls, probably worried and wondering what happened here

"Mmmyeaah, not my problem. I'm gonna leave that to Mk" I tell myself before turning into a bird, before the mortals made it, I already fled the scene

As I flew into the sky, I looked down to see another city problem. Seeing where Mk landed earlier, creating a hole at the city streets. Even seeing a couple of people forming a circle, taking pictures of what happened there

Again. Not my problem.

After seeing the many mortal forming together--I don't see Alya there.

'Huh? That's weird, I'm sure I didn't take that long for her to leave....unless...'

I thought to myself....

"....I'm sure shes back home. Probably resting, after all, where else should she go?"

I told myself, before flying back to the ocean back to my island


'....just in case, let me just take a peek, though, just to be sure'

(Alyas Pov)

"Ahw that's too bad, luckily for me, I'm not a picky eater"

A voice said behind me,

His arms clenched against my arms, as his hand was covering my mouth

Growling underneath his palm, I was able to shake off his arms around me and turned around,

I growled and glared over at the purple shadowy figure. Smirking at my reaction,

" almost gave me a heart attack!" I yell at him, making Macaque laugh hysterically like a maniac

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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"MY HERO" (Lego Monkie Kid) Sun WukongXAlya KitsuneWhere stories live. Discover now