part 2, Chapter 0: "A New Life"

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(Alya Pov)

After finishing eating my bowl of noodles, and saving Tang from Pigsy who was about to cook him alive, I started chatting away with Pigsy

It's been a while since the last time we've talked like this, may as well make the full of it before I go back to work tonight. Pigsy is gonna make me wash the dishes for getting here late...

Pigsy and I started chuckling at our own stories, having a pretty good time

"--and remember the time when you accidentally dropped the hot sauce at the noodles? Hah! Tang was breathing fire!" Pigsy laughed away, tears drawn in his eyes by how much he's been laughing

"Oh yeah! Haha, I've never exactly been the best at cooking. I'm still practicing" I tell Pigsy, while Tang hearing everything, from a distance away from Pigsy, scoffed before crossing his arms

"That day no one helped me, you guys just sat there while i was the only one suffering from the burn" Tang said, in a offended way

"That's because you were running around the place like a headless chicken. Atleast Mk got you water in the end--"

"Yeah! With water hoes! Hes lucky the water pressure didn't drown me" Tang said, before trying to sneak his hand behind the table. Trying to get another noodle,

Before he can reach, Pigsy took out a kitchen knife. Slamming the sharp object onto the table,

Tang, realizing what he's doing, will probably leave the restaurant arm-less

"Here Pigsy, I'll be paying for his noodles" I tell Pigsy, taking out my purse

"Come on Alya, you don't need to do that. He's gonna get used to being babyed around"

"Hey!" Pigsy and Tang gave eachother glares, before breaking off the tension handing Pigsy the money

"Its fine really" I tell Pigsy,

He rolled his eyes before taking my money and putting it inside the register

Checking my phone, it was 4 in the afternoon as the sun was started to get down

"That's strange, Mk should've came back by now" I tell both men, as I turn around and look outside. Staring over at Mks delivery car parking,

"Well where ever that kid may be, he's late. I have orders that need to be completed" Pigsy growled, tapping his finger against the table

'Something dosent seem right...'

I thought to myself, until I felt a strange aurora at the back of my head. I than turn to look over at the exit door, sensing Mks aurora

'Just wanna make sure...'

Without Pigsy and Tang noticing, quickly sniffing Mks scent he left on his book. My eyes glowed yellow, scent vision, a trick Wukong taught me during our journey.

Mks color aruroa showed in my eyes, as his color was yellow. Similar like Wukongs....strange.

Seeing his color scent walk out the door and looking over to where Mk left. His scent was far...very far. Not like his regular delivery, his delivery are usually always close by or inside the city. But this time, he was far...

'Something isn't right.'

"Uhm, hey Pigsy? You wouldn't happen to know where Mks delivery stop is, right?" I ask him, making Pigsy raised an eyebrow at me

"Who am I? His parent? I don't put tracking devices on Mk, that's ridiculous" he said, as he proceeds to take out his phone and goes to Pigsys Noodle delivery map, and clicks on Mks name

"MY HERO" (Lego Monkie Kid) Sun WukongXAlya KitsuneWhere stories live. Discover now