Michaeng- Idk what to name this (A)

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A/n: this might not bad as good as other angst, but I just wanted to Try smth yk

Italic font is a flash back btw

Chaeyoung Pov

I didn't know that you would be the first and last person that held my hand....

3rd person Pov

"Hey Minari!" Chaeyoung waved to her friend which she had a crush on for a long time, Mina ran to Chaeyoung and hugged her and held her hand to her face, she felt safe and sound in her arms "Hi Chaeyoungie"Chaeyoung smiled at her and she smiled back,

I love her so much... Chaeyoung thought

Chaeyoung POV

I love you Minari... you were everything to me... how I wish I was with you right now...

I came to her house today, I was nervous to confess my feelings for her, I was prepared to get rejected...

I knocked on the door waiting for an answer, "Hel- oh Hi Chaeyoungie " she gave me her gummy smile that I very much love, "Can... we talk?" She said sure and let me inside. I sat down on the couch and she sat down beside me too, "so what did you want to talk about?" I then started to sweat a little "I uhh, I'll just go straight forward" she hummed "Hm, ok go ahead" There was a little pause before I said anything "IreallyloveyouandIknowyouwillrejectmebutIjustwantedtogetthisoffmychestassoonaspossible" she giggles, "calm down I didn't understand anything" I sigh "I really love you and I know you-" I got cut off by soft lips hitting mine, I got shocked at first but then responded.

After a few minutes we pulled out, we both were breathing heavily and panting, "I love you too" she said while holding my hand...

"I love you too, I love you too, I love you too......." it kept going on in my head the rest of the day.

I want to hug you right now... I want to hold you in my arms until we die... why did you have to go so early?

Me and Mina finally got married and we're on our honeymoon currently just enjoying a stroll across the beach just enjoying our time together, it was just sweet silence and the sun setting in front of us, until... "Chaeyoungie?" I looked at her "yea?" She breathed in and then said "what if you lost me, what if I died?" I was shocked by the question... of course I didn't want to lose her, she was my world, "I would be sad, most definitely cry, why?" She shrugged "Oh, uh, nothing" I was suspecting her a little but... I don't wanna hurt her you know...

I don't wanna lose you...

After all those conversations and the love we shared those times... was it... just to make me suffer more?

Today was the day that Mina told me she had stage 3 cancer, I was hurt... very hurt, firstly, she didn't tell me, second I had a feeling I was gonna lose her and lastly, I still have many more years with her...

We instantly went to the hospital and we found out... she was slowly dying because of how bad it was...

The doctor told me that she had to stay in the hospital to try to make her live longer...

Unfortunately a few days later when I went to check up on her, when we were talking she told me to come closer to her... she held my hand put it on her cheek and kissed it... she told me "Whatever you do... don't miss me... don't plead for me to come back... because, I don't deserve your love and I don't want to see you cry" with that I heard the flat line... "M-mina please... D-don't leave me, Mina please... MINAAAA" (I'm cringy ik) With that... I promised I would do the things she told me... but, I easily gave up and went to run to a cliff on the hill side where I am right now....

I will always love you mina with that... the next thing I knew, I jumped and everything turned black...

I know you guy's aren't crying... yes, it's bad I agree... I just wanted to try something new yk...

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