Dubchaeng (Ft. saida)- Too late to realize Pt.4

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Today was the day that Dahyun would finally go back to Chaeyoungs house, not to move in, not to fight her, she would go to her house to see how she was doing... of course she missed Chaeyoung all these 6 months, but she moved on and fell in love with someone else, specifically Minatozaki Sana. She came to love Sana after a while, and she also moved in with Sana.

Anyways... Chaeyoung was the opposite, she was cheated on multiple times, after the 50th time she got cheated on, she finally moved on, she also missed Dahyun a lot... like... a lot a lot.

Moving back to Dahyun going to Chaeyoungs house... Dahyun knocked on the door and rang the bell "Yes?" she heard a voice she Hasn't heard in a while "It's Dahyun" She then heard footsteps running to the door, once the door opened she was met by a tight hug by the person who she had moved on from "Hi Chae..." Dahyun began, keep in mind they were still in a tight hug "D-Dahyun... I miss you" The person who was named Chaeyoung said, "I miss you too" Dahyun said to the sobbing Chaeyoung who was hugging her "Where were you? I'm sorry for everything Dahyun..." Dahyun pats her back "It's ok Chae..."

After all the apologies Chaeyoung has said to Dahyun they sat in the movie theater where Dahyun had her good and bad memories. The duo sat in the front seat and talked about the life they had these past 6 months... "So, how's your relationship with Mina?" Chaeyoung sighs "I got cheated on... 50 times..." Even though it hurt Chaeyoung... she smiled "So how are you? How's life going... without me..." Dahyun frowns at the last two words "Hey... My life wasn't that great without you, I miss my best friend every single day..." Dahyun puts her hand the back of Chaeyoungs back and rubs it in circles, she smiles at Chaeyoung to assure her not to be sad anymore "Dahyun..." She looks at her "Yes?" Chaeyoung inhales "What was the reason of why you left..."

Dahyun widened her eyes as if she was keeping a secret... well she is... but only from Chaeyoung... "Well..." Chaeyoung waited for an answer "Well? well what?" Dahyun sighs... "I loved you... and... and it hurt me... seeing you with Mina... it's like I was just the sidekick to keep you happy..." Chaeyoung realized... she treated Dahyun like she was nothing every time Mina was there... she would always talk about Mina every time in their conversations, like it didn't even hurt Dahyun... but it did... and now Dahyun is here telling that she loved her... "Y-you loved me?" Dahyun nods...

"I always did Chaeyoung... that's why I was feeling bad every single day, you were always with Mina... so what could I do, aside from watching you fall in love with her again... remember when I left the mall so you could be with Mina... I went to the washroom to cry... Tzuyu had to pick me up..." Dahyun bitterly chuckles at the past memories "I... I'm sorry... I really am Dahyun..." Dahyun does her eye smile that made Chaeyoung have butterflies "No need to be sorry..." Chaeyoung then asks another question which concerns Dahyun "Do you... still love me?" Dahyuns smile turns into a sad one "Hm... I've moved on, I still have memories of us, and I enjoyed them... but I love someone else" Chaeyoung frowns at the thought of her best friend having someone else, but she doesn't mind it because she knows Dahyun isn't there forever "Would you like to see her? Well, you know her already" Chaeyoung nods and they exit the room to go to Dahyuns car.

Time skip

As they roll up to Dahyuns shared house with Sana, Chaeyoung scans the house feeling like she's seen this house before "Is this... Sana unnies house? Why are we... oh." Dahyun looks at Chaeyoung "Hey, you okay Chae?" Chaeyoung hums and nods.

They enter the house as Chaeyoung realizes who Dahyuns girlfriend is. She hears, footsteps coming down from the stairs, "Oh hey babyyy" A high pitched sweet voice fill Chaeyoungs ears "Hai Sana unnie" Dahyun says as she hugs Sana "Who did you bring here?" Sana smiles while looking to Chaeyoung "Chae?" 

"Hi Sana unnie" Chaeyoung greets Sana, but Sana isn't pleased by her presence, "Why are you here?" Her voice suddenly an octave deeper than before, Chaeyoung gulps "U-uhm, Dahyun brought me here" Sana nods "Hmm, okay, I'll excuse myself to the bathroom" She slight smiles at Chaeyoung.

"I should really leave, Sana seems angry, why is she angry?" Dahyun sighs, "Everyone knows that I was in love with you for a while. You're the only one who didn't know." 

"Oh... Now I feel like an idiot, I'm so sorry I was blinded with Mina and her schemes... " Dahyun frowns feeling bad for Chaeyoung "Don't worry, all is better now, there's many more people that you can find" Chaeyoung smiles at the reassurance "Thank you Dahyun... I think I was too late to realize that you loved me... Cause without you I probably would not have survived life" She chuckles "Thank you a lot, I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner..." Chaeyoung stands up and hugs Dahyun for one last time, and leaves.

-Dahyuns POV-

As Chaeyoung walked out the door, I start to tear up knowing that would be the last time I saw her. It's time to move on in life and forget about the sad things pulling me down.

Goodbye Son Chaeyoung, it has been a great pleasure, being your best friend.

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