Michaeng- One sided love... (A)

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We started off as some friends...

"Hi, My Name's Myoui Mina."

"Oh hi... Son Chaeyoung"

"Nice name Chaeyoung, Wanna be friends?"


I had so much fun with you that day... we were just 6 that time... and now we're 23... (They're the same age in this story)

"Hey Chaeyoungie! I have something to tell you"

"W-what is it..."

My heart was beating so fast that time... I thought she was gonna confess to me... oh how wrong was I... I can't believe I fell for you...

"I have a crush..."

"W-who is it..."

I thought it was me... why am I so dumb...


"Oh... That's nice"

I smiled through the pain... my heart was clenching... my other friend... Bambam... You didn't even know him that much... and you chose him... But maybe it was a good choice... a better one... someone taller than you... someone who you love... at least they love you back... right?



"He asked me"

"Who? Bambam?"

"Mhm... He finally asked me to be his Girlfriend! after months of him being my suitor"

"That's good Minari... I hope he treats you right.."

I had a breakdown after that... but it was my choice...

"Are you ok with me dating Mina? or should I break-"

"No! You are not to break up with her... even though it hurts me... everyday..."

"I don't want my friend hurting Chaeyoung..."

"You love her too Bambam.... I can't Change that..."

"But you've known her more than me... you guys were friends when you were kids..."

"I know... But Mina just sees me as a Friend... she sees you as her lover Bambam..."


"No... I'm gonna be fine..."

I was 17... that time... when I had that talk with Bambam... you guys were already at the 2 year mark of your dating stage...

"Chaeyoungie! Look what I have"

at 22 years old... you showed me a beautiful diamond ring...

"Is... is that a ring?"

"An engagement ring! he proposed! ahhhhh! I'm so happy! we're gonna get married next year!"

I wish that was me...

"Oh! Oh... That's Nice of him"


Now here I am... in the front row seat... looking at the altar where you're gonna get married to him...

When I saw you walk down the isle... It looked like you were an angel that just fell from the sky... a tear then dropped from my eye... not because of happiness not because of sadness... it's because of bitterness...

I decided... that I'm going to confess... I don't care if it ruins our friendship... at least the truth is out... I told Bambam that I'm going to confess... he knows about my love for Mina... I'm gonna leave your life forever Mina... I don't care if it hurts me... at least your happy

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