Dubchaeng (ft. Saida)- Too late to realize Pt.3

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Good morning clouds, good morning sun, slightly cringy beginning I say, but moving on, Dahyun wasn't really in a 'good morning' she was in a terrible state since she cried all night thinking Chaeyoung will never be hers, and was she wrong?

Dahyun got out of her bed and set off to the kitchen to find some food, not minding she looked like a witch, but to someone she always looked pretty and cute (No, that someone Is not a stalker of some kind) when she found her food, she realized that Chaeyoung was no where to be seen, so she sighs and cooks herself her own food, and yes, she did turn on the gas this time.

Meanwhile Chaeyoung was with Mina. They were talking about how they should get back together because Chaeyoung is still in love with Mina. (Ok so Dahyun is mine) When they finalized the decision -even though it's only been 2 days since they broke up- they went to Minas place and did some making out.

When Chaeyoung came home -with lipstick all over her face- she found nothing but an empty place, no Dahyun to be seen... Unless she was in the movie theatre again. She decided to check it out since the movie theatre was Dahyuns safe place, and she found Dahyun sitting in the front row, crying for the 3rd time this day and watching an action movie.

Chaeyoung then went to Dahyun thinking she could comfort her, but Dahyun knows, Chaeyoung is all why it happened, but Chaeyoung on the other hand, she doesn't know a single thing about Dahyuns love for her, and so she thinks she's just crying over some person, yes, she was crying over some person but that person was Chaeyoung.

Anyways Chaeyoung tried to comfort her, "Hey what happened?" Dahyun got startled by her voice, knowing who it was, she didn't want to talk to that said person, but answered her anyways "What do you want?" Chaeyoung got surprised by the cold tone "What? I'm just trying to help" Dahyun sarcastically laughs "You think you're helping? HAH, wow Chaeyoung, just... wow" The blonde was confused, after all she was 'trying to help' "Huh? What has gotten into you? you were crying and I was trying to help? What the fuck is wrong with that?" Meanwhile, the action movie is playing the background, guns firing and blah blah blah (Stan Itzy 🤭) but the two best friends are just fighting "What has gotten into me?! Really?! Wow, fuck you Chaeyoung, I'm crying BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU'RE ALWAYS STUCK ON pReTTy elEGanT mINa (No hate) SHE'S ALWAYS ON YOUR MIND 24/7 AM I RIGHT?" Chaeyoung takes a moment to take this in "Yes, you are right but, I don't understand why, I'm the problem..." With that, Dahyun had the last straw, so she gave Chaeyoung the middle finger and left, Chaeyoung was left there, dazed. (Another promotion HEHEHE)

Dahyun on the other hand, packed her essentials and left the home as fast as she can and called Jeongyeon, "Dahyun?" Dahyun was still in crying state so she was messing up her words a little "J-Jeongyeon, C-an you pi-ck, me u-up" Jeongyeon kind of understood it and then went on her way to Dahyun. Once she arrived she told Dahyun to put the luggage in the back, and so she did, Dahyun came to the front seat and they drove off to 2yeons house. (Why 2yeon and not Jeongyeon? Well 2yeon moved together ever since college and always bickered but they love each other secretly, they both had feelings for each other but neither really confessed, Nayeon just cuddles and kisses Jeongyeons cheek from time to time, nothing serious.)

Once they arrived to said destination, Dahyun got out of the car including Jeongyeon, they went inside and greeted Nayeon who was in the living room watching citrus "H-hi Nayeon u-unnie" Dahyun was still in crying state but calmed down after the ride, Nayeon looked back and greeted Dahyun "Hi Dah- Omo,what happened?" She wasn't greeted with the excited dubu as always, she was met with a sulking one "Hey, what happened" She hugged the sulking dubu in her arms and comforted her, trying to calm her down, it was a sweet little moment, until a voice interrupted it "Ahem, where's mine?" "I'll cuddle you later Jeongyeon" Dahyun pulls out the hug surprised to hear those words coming out Nayeons mouth "Wait- what- you guys cuddle? you guys are like a couple" Nayeon laughs "Whatttttttttttt, it's friendly cuddles" Nayeon said, inside, she wants to tell Jeongyeon that, 'yes, we are a couple' but she feels like Jeongyeon doesn't feel the same, so she just keeps it in her fantasies.

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