Sahyo- The time loop... (A)

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Sana Pov

Try 110... aka... Day 110... 2022-29-12

Every day... My day repeats... I keep trying to save you...


I wake up starting a new day knowing that today is my birthday, that means I get to spend the whole day with Jihyo. We almost meet everyday, but I don't care, I love her, she's my safe place...

Since me and Jihyo were gonna meet up at a café we always go to, I dressed up in comfortable clothing and went on my way to enjoy my birthday with my Jihyo.

Once I went in, I ordered myself and Jihyo some coffee and sat down on a table that me and Jihyo would share later on.

While I was waiting Jihyo texted me that she's almost here. I then looked out the window to see Jihyo waving at me. She walked up to the café... but that's when I was too late to save her...

"Jihyo!" She got hit by a truck...

2022-29-12 (Try 2)

I woke up again... was it just a bad dream? I check the clock, 2022-29-12... Is... is.. my day repeating?

I get up from my bed and go back to the same place... Jihyo's not here yet... I go in the café, did the same thing like last time... and sat down to wait for Jihyo... I get a text

Jihyo: I'm almost there

Just like last time...

I saw her on the other side of the street waving... She walked up

"Shit... Jih-!"

I woke up in my room "Hyo..." I look at my surroundings, the same thing...

Flashback end...

Back to the present... 2022-29-12

I'm in the cafe again just waiting... for the 110 time... I gave up on trying to save her on 70 days... I tried... and I can't do anything about it, because I'll just be stuck on a time loop while other people can live on their normal lives...

I'll eventually get out of this... and tell Jihyo my feelings for her...

I look out the window... Hm... must be nice living in heaven right Jih?

80 days later...

Try 190... 2022-29-12

Today... I'll do my best to save her... I got dressed up In a simple jacket... my pj pants and squirrel slippers on, and went on my way... to the cafe, I stood outside waiting for her... Come on Jih....

Once I saw her on the other side... I said "Just stay there, I'll come to you" and when I walked my way there... I heard her calling me and felt something hit me and then I blacked out... I should've done this the first time...

When I woke up again I saw Jihyo standing there... right next to me... "J-Jih?" She was crying... "You're awake" She was still crying... so I assured her... "Hey... don't cry... I don't like seeing you cry..." She smiles and I smile back "You're bleeding every where... Why did you do that Sana?" I chuckle "Because I love you Jihyo... not as a friend... but as a lover... I loved you ever since the first day I met you... you were my safe place... you made me feel more livelier... you made me have butterflies every time you walked in the room... there's more... but I think I've said enough" I smile "I have to go now... I'll see you in my next life Jihyo... find someone who can treat you right..." I closed my eyes "W-what do you mean see you in your next life... S-Sana? Sana? Sana?!" The last thing I heard was the flat line... It's finally over... have a nice life Jih...

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