Mimo- Fucking the teachers pet (S)

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A/n: So... OIJHELINDOPINOJEPONDFPPN (Parang tanga) Anyways Have fun in this chapter, Someone (Aka ) helped me pick which ship I should do ( Hai Linaurrrr, If you see this, please don't keep reading, because I'm so bad at smut)


-3rd person POV-

Momo Hirai, a normal person, but seen as the bad girl at school, since her fashion, attitude, skipping some classes, and not giving a shit to anyone around her.

-Momo POV-

It was just a normal day at school, what could go wrong, you would think... But even though It looked like it, SOMEONE, had to ruin it... aka Mina Myoui. As I opened the door to my class, I heard the teacher call out my name "Hirai Momo?" I then saw Mina raise her hand and say "I think she Skipped-" I cut her off "I'm here" I smirk while she looks at me rolling her eyes while I'm walking to my seat Suck My Dick Myoui I thought.

Time skip...

Next class, I just sat there in my seat drawing some doodles on my note book while listen to the professor speak, but once again... "Mister Kim" I heard that annoying bitch say "Momo is drawing on her book" She then turns her head to look at me grinning, thinking she's won the battle or something, "Thank you Mina. Miss Hirai, I notice that you're not paying to my class. Can you please stand up and explain to me what I was talking about just now?" I rolled my eyes and stood up, then explained "Bromine. A chemical element which has a colour of orangish red, is thicker than water and stains real bad" The professor then gave an approving nod, signaling I can sit back down, AHAHAHAHAHA You thought Myoui.

Time skip...

It was finally time for lunch, god I was hungry, Finally... Peace and qui- I was thinking to myself until a heard Mina, Oh god... CAN I EAT IN PEACE, OH MY FU- "Hi Momo" She said "What do you want, Myoui" She then sits beside me "Oh I just wanted to check up on you, you know" I then just take my attention back to my delicious food, and started eating "Stop ignoring me Momo, Talk to me" I kept on eating, I don't have time for this shit "Do you want me to call the teachers on you for ignoring me? Cause I will, and you will regret it. You know they love me" I kept on ignoring her, it's good that she wasn't really loud, it doesn't draw attention, "I'm gonna call the teachers right now, 3, 2-" That's it I'm done with this bitch, I took her hand and gripped it hard while dragging her to the washroom, I was thankful there wasn't people or teachers in the hallway and in the washroom, or else I would've been in detention again... "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LET GO OF ME."

I then took her into the washroom and put her up against the wall, and started to kiss her, "hmph- hey- w-what are you d-doing" She said muffled by my lips, I pulled out "I had to shut that annoying mouth of yours, it was driving me crazy" She stared into my eyes, she was most probably shocked and looking by her face, she was blushing "You liked it, didn't you?"

-Mina POV-

I was standing there still in shock on what just happened, until I heard her say "You liked it, didn't you?" I widened my eyes again, "HUH?! NO? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" She smirks "You're blushing right now, you look like a tomato AHAHAHAHAHA" I cover my face, Shit, she saw me blushing... "Awwww don't cover your face princess, you looked so cutee~" With that, I blushed even more, "Oh stop it! I fucking hate you so much! You racoon bitch!" She stopped laughing and slowly made her way towards me until I hit my back against the wall again "The fuck did you say?..." She leaned forward, she looks mad... "That's it..." She flipped me over, which made my cheek hit the cold wall, I grunted in slight pain, "Fuck... look at this ass..." The next thing I know, she rises up my skirt and smacks my ass hard, which makes me moan, "Agh~" I'm guessing that she knew I moaned because... "You like that? You being bent over for me? revealing you're perfect ass?" I slightly nod and answer "Fuck... yes~"

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