Dubchaeng- Too late to realize (A)

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A/n: It used to be called "Meant to be" But I changed the title here, cause it's more accurate

3rd person POV

Ah yes, Son Chaeyoung the secret heir of the most popular company in South Korea. Nobody knew Chaeyoung was the heir of the popular company... not even her closest friends (except Kim Dahyun ofc because... bro...)you would think Chaeyoung was in the higher ups doing work for the company, oh no no no, she was working.... In a super market as a cashier, the person who stacks the shelves, delivers and lastly, be the manager. Yes, there would be other workers too but it was only in the morning and the afternoon when the workers would do it, Chaeyoung would be the night shift with Dahyun and enjoyed it of course.

Chaeyoung also had a girlfriend, Myoui Mina, Mina would always be with Chaeyoung and always hangout with her and do couple things, but the thing was, Mina hid a secret from Chaeyoung, and you guessed it... she was cheating with Chaeyoungs fellow no jam bro Jeongyeon :D Chaeyoung knew it all... Because she asked Jeongyeon to... she knew Jeongyeon was rich af and wanted to try something on Mina.... to see if she would cheat.... and she did.

Oh how Chaeyoung would cry and complain to Dahyun every night when Dahyun drove her home, and yes... Dahyun is Chaeyoungs driver too, that's how they became friends, but we'll talk about that later.

As Chaeyoung and Dahyun were just waiting for costumers to call or to come through the glass door, they waited patiently and tried to stay awake, until there was a ringing on Chaeyoungs phone.


Chaeyoung just groans "Ugh.... why can't you just love me back, you fucking bitch" she then picks answer "Hey baby~" she heard Mina, Chaeyoung loves Mina very much.... but as you know.... she's cheating on Chaeyoung. "Hm... yeah Hi" she says like she just got out of bed, tired as fuck, "Why? What's wrong Chaeyoungie"

Silence... absolute silence, until Dahyun notices Chaeyoung tearing up, Dahyun goes to Chaeyoung and puts her arm around her shoulder and rubs it, Chaeyoung then looks at Dahyun and mouths thank you Dahyun just keeps comforting Chaeyoung until Chaeyoung hears Mina on the other line "Hello? Chaeyoung?" Chaeyoung jolts "Oh, uh yeah?" Chaeyoung was tired of acting like she didn't know a thing between Mina and Jeongyeon, so she just listens to Mina "Can you get me a condom? You're in the store still right?" Chaeyoung just sighs knowing what Mina is gonna use it for but still asks the question "What for?" "Just give me the damn condom Chae" Chaeyoung can feel the hatred from the phone, she then contemplates on how did Mina fell in love with her, "alright..."

When Chaeyoung arrived, she expected Mina to open the door, but instead... "Jeongyeon..." Jeongyeon got surprised "Oh shit- I'm sorry bro... I feel like I did it too far" Chaeyoung just shakes her head "No... I told you to do it, so don't apologize for the thing I did" Jeongyeon sighs "Look, I can just end-" Chaeyoung stops her from saying anything more.

"No... she's happy, she never loved me, I don't even know why she loved me..." Chaeyoung starts to tear up "I just want somebody to love me back" She hugs Jeongyeon and Jeongyeon hugs her back "Well me and Dahyun love you" "But as friends only" Jeongyeon frowns "and? Just because we love you as friends doesn't mean you have to find someone to love, just wait for that person..." Chaeyoung pulls out the hug and sniffs, "Thank you Jeongyeon unnie" Chaeyoung shows her dimple smile "No problem kid" the sweet moment then got interrupted by a fake cough of the person that caused Chaeyoung to break down every night.

The two no jams looked at said person and just stared at her, there was silence in the room, until Jeongyeon said something "I'll just go wait on the couch" Now it was just Mina and Chaeyoung looking at each other "Looks like, you found out my little secret I had behind your back with your friend" Chaeyoung scoffs "I knew all about it, I told Jeongyeon to do it, she doesn't really love you" this time Mina scoffs "wowww, that's nice, anyways... wanna know why I cheated on you?" Chaeyoung sarcastically laughs "Sure, it's not like you broke my heart a million times"

"Oh, you poor little and short bean, anyways, you were a low grade for me, like... literally look at your small ass height, yeah you're cute but... you don't meet my standards, you just take me to the cheap Chinese place every time, like... can we go to another restaurant, like an expensive one" Mina just rolls her eyes, Jeongyeon then stands up "Look here Mina, Chaeyoung is a great person to be with, and always makes people laugh, just because she doesn't have enough money or is smaller than you doesn't mean you have to leave her for it!" Chaeyoung just walks up to Mina "Here's the fucking condom, take it, I don't fucking care anymore have fun with Jeongyeon" with that Chaeyoung left and slammed the door, "I can't believe my best friend loved you after all the bad treatment you did to her, I'm tired of this shit, I'm going, find another person to fuck you." Jeongyeon leaves and Mina is just left alone with a condom in her hand...

After that, Chaeyoung went back to the store crying, and instantly hugged Dahyun "Hey what's wrong" Dahyun starts patting Chaeyoungs back "I fucking hate her! She's just another slut!" Dahyun sighs, she doesn't like seeing her best friend cry, it hurts her because... Dahyun loves Chaeyoung...

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