Dubcaheng- Too late to realize Pt.2

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As Dahyun and Chaeyoung were hugging, a phone started to ring...


Chaeyoung pulled out the hug and looked at the phone then to Dahyun. Deep inside Dahyun just wanted to grab the phone and decline it, but knowing Chaeyoung, she would decline it anyways, and she did.

Chaeyoung sighs "Let's just end the shift and go home" She wipes her tears "Alright" Dahyun feels sad and wants to hug Chaeyoung and just hold her and keep her safe, tell her sweet nothings and just spend her life with her, she wonders every single time why can't Chaeyoung just move on from Mina.

When they arrived home Chaeyoung just went to her room and cried herself to sleep, and Dahyun saw it all... She tried to keep her tears because she hates seeing the one she loves cry so she just goes to her own room and slept.

The next day the duo woke up and went to their own bathroom to get ready for a day they would soon make into the best day of their lives....

When they were done, they both met up in the living room for breakfast they both were just wearing simple plain pjs. While Chaeyoung was cooking their breakfast, Dahyun went to the home movie theatre to watch some movies, yes they had a living room with a large tv, but Dahyun liked the theatre more.

When Chaeyoung was done with the breakfast, she called Dahyun down to the dining room where there was this little table fit for four people, it could turn into a table for 10 people, but this table was enough for the duo.

Once they were done finishing the food, they both decided to roam around and go to the mall, But first, they have to change, they can't just go out with pjs. Once they were done changing they went to go to the mall first because... they wanted to buy some clothes... using a black card :DDDDDDDDDD Chaeyoungs black card to be specific.

When they arrived they went to some stores and just talked to each other, held hands (🤨suspicious) and just ate at a restaurant, while they were walking and talking around the mall, Chaeyoung noticed someone familiar "Mina..." She slightly whispered "And so I think- Wait huh?" Dahyun cut herself off by getting surprised by the sudden name, "Mina's here" Chaeyoung said again, the name that was always on her mind 24/7. Suddenly Mina spotted them and she waved like nothing happened yesterday, Chaeyoung smiled at thought if Mina could come back to her, "Hey Chaeyoungie" Chaeyoung then got out of her fantasies and realized Mina was already standing in front of them "H-hi Mina" wowww, I can't believe you're still in love with that bitch Dahyun thought (No offence to Mina, Love you Mina 🥰) Dahyun then let go of Chaeyoungs hand, Mina noticed it and smirked. Chaeyoung didn't notice Dahyun letting go of her hand, she was too focused on Mina.

Meanwhile Dahyun was in the bathroom balling her eyes out, of course Dahyun had friends too that she could hang out with, but she cared about Chaeyoung more than her friends, because if you didn't know already, Dahyun loves Chaeyoung, not like a sister, no no, romantically. So Dahyun was balling her eyes out she got a call... Chou Tzuyu A friend of both Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

"H-hello?" Dahyun was still balling her eyes out, but in a less obvious way, "Dahyun? You ok" Dahyun didn't know what to say next, she didn't want Tzuyu to worry about her "N-nothing" Of course Tzuyu knew what was going on, she cared a lot about Dahyun, she cared a lot to her friends and family to be honest, "C'mon Dahyun I know you're lying, tell me" Dahyun hesitates, but says it anyways "It's- it's about C-Chaeyoung again..." Tzuyu already knew about the crush Dahyun on Chaeyoung, it hurt Tzuyu that one of her friends had to suffer because of the other, "Alright I'm coming, where are you?" "In a bathroom stall in the mall" Tzuyu just sighs "Alright where is the bathroom near from?" "H&M."

Once Tzuyu arrived she looked in every stall until she found Dahyun in the very last stall, once Tzuyu found her, she instantly hugged Dahyun to comfort her "Tell me what happened this time" once Tzuyu told that Dahyun started to talk about how they met Mina when they were just going around the mall and how Chaeyoung still was in love with her even though they just broke up yesterday night "Alright, you wanna go home?" Dahyun nodded. They then went to Tzuyus car and Tzuyu dropped Dahyun off at her shared house with Chaeyoung "Thank you Tzuyu" Tzuyu smiled "No need to thank me, I was just helping you" Before Dahyun went out she kisses Tzuyus cheek, Tzuyu then got flustered "I-I why did you h-have to d-do that..." "I just wanted to thank you in a way" Dahyun gives her eye smile "You haven't done that smile in awhile you know" Dahyun shrugs "Eh, you made me happy, so why not. Ok bye Tzuyu" Tzuyu was then left there flustered, stunned, a blushing mess and just enjoying what just happened.

Meanwhile Chaeyoung who is STILL talking to Mina, finally realizes she lost Dahyun, so she turns her head on trying to find her "What are you looking for Chaeyoungie?" "Dahyun..." While Chaeyoung keeps whipping her head around trying to find Dahyun "You know I saw her going with a tall girl out of of the mall" Cheyoung looks at Mina and questions "Tall girl?" "Yep" Tall girl...Tall girl... Chaeyoung thinks "Oh Tzuyu! Wait- Tzuyu?" Mina started to get confused "Tzuyu? Who the fuck is Tzuyu" "Uhhhh, one of my friends, anyways gotta go, bye Minari" And with that Chaeyoung ran out to the car and drove home where Dahyun was.

"Dahyun! Dahyun! Where are you dammit" Chaeyoung scurries around the house trying find Dahyun, until she remembers Dahyuns favorite place The home movie theatre and That's where Chaeyoung went, she found Dahyun sitting in one of the seats in the middle row eating popcorn with her doggy slippers and pjs on "Dahyun! omfg- I was worried!" Dahyun then looks at Chaeyoung "Oh Hi Ms. Son" Chaeyoung looked confused with the sudden formality, yes, Dahyun was her driver and all, but Dahyun never used the name 'Ms. Son' "What's with the mS. sOn" Dahyun just ignored what Chaeyoung said and just kept watching the movie "Dahyun? Helllllllloooo? What happened with you and Tzuyu" Once Dahyun heard it she instantly said "I kissed her" Chaeyoung was shocked, she just sat there wide eyed hearing the news "L-like on the cheek?" Chaeyoung said "Yes, why?" Chaeyoung was relived "Oh ok, anyways why did you leave?" Dahyun didn't answer that, she just focused on the movie "Hey, Dahyun? I'm asking you" Still Dahyun ignored and kept watching "Are you not gonna talk? Seriously? Fine" With that Chaeyoung left with Dahyun just eating popcorn and balling her eyes out again, because she loves Chaeyoung too much that it hurts her to just talk to the latter.

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