Chapter 14

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It had been a few hours since the big revelation and I had been standing silence for for what only felt like a few moments and take everything in. I could no longer decipher what my life was. Who I was. What does all of this even mean? This was supposed to be a fresh start between my mom and I. Although I am glad she told me the truth but I dont know how I feel about the facts and reasoning behind her actions. My memory of my dad being perfect is shattered. My dad wasnt just some regular everyday Joe anymore. He was a criminal and considered a traitor to Wakanda, which apparently isnt all teepees and huts according to my mom. My uncle created a serum that saved my life, or began my life. Then he was executed for helping my parents escape and the knowledge of what was in the serum had died with him. I apparently had the worlds most valuable weapon coursing through my veins my whole life and I can speak Xhosa but only when I am sleep....What the fuck is life.

I look up at the stars and stare into the heavens "Dad what the fuck did yall get me into! Why? Why did you have to save me! You could be alive! I needed you and you died! You died to protect me! I wish you wouldve let me die that night! I shouldve died THAT NIGHT!" I dont know why I am yelling to clouds but at this point I am sure its probably the least crazy thing that has happened with me today. I still have so many questions.

I need to talk to my mom again but this time it's gonna be on my terms. I walk back to the car and drive back home. On the short drive I sit in silence and solace. I feel nothing and everything all at once. It is the damnest thing. I pull into the driveway and I cant bring myself to walk inside. I sit there for a few minutes and start the ignition and get ready to pull off when I hear a loud crash and the sound of broken glass coming from inside.

My first thought is my mom when I jump out of the car and rush to the door. The door is locked and wouldnt budge so I had no choice but bust it open. As I walk in I feel my heart stop. There was broken glass everywhere and our furniture was turned upside down. It looked like a tornado had ran through our home. "Mom! Mom! Are you ok!" she was nowhere to be found. I see her bedroom door ajar and I felt something different than I have ever felt before. I could feel that something was off....

"Mama?" I walk slowly down the hallway and stop before fully opening her door. What I saw was something that I could have never prepared myself for.

My mom was laying on the floor unconcious , her face was black and blue. She had blood gushing from her leg and her stomach. Clarence was curled up in the corner rocking himself back and forth.

"Oh my god! Mama! Oh my god! W-what has he done to you?" I rushed to my mom and pulled her into my arms trying to shake my mom awake and put pressure on the gash on her stomach. She tried to open her two swollen eyes but they barely budged I think she was awake and she was trying to say something. I leaned down so I could make out what she was trying to say.

"Never forget I love you" she grabs my necklace and rubs her thumb around the cystal "Ulukhanyiso Iwam ebumnyameni nesitshixo sezikumkani zam" Her hand dropped from my necklace when I realized that her chest stopped rising and her breathing slowed until I heard one last croak. "No no no no Mom! Youre gonna be okay! Were gonna be okay!"

"Mom! Mama wake up! CLARENCE WHAT DID YOU DO!?? WHAT DID YOU DO!" I was in a panic as I put my ear to her chest to see if she was breathing. "She's not breathing?" I say quietly before it all hits me like a tidal wave. My mom was not breathing. "SHE"S NOT BREATHING!"

Tears cloud my eyes as I hold my mom in my arms "Mama! Please! I cant do this alone, I-I cant do this alone mom please wake up! Please dont leave me PLEASE! AHHHH!! FUCK! Mama? Please come back to me! Its just you and me remember?!"

Clarence got up and walked over to me with tears in his eyes "Im so sorry Y/n! I didnt mean too hurt her this bad. Please believe me! Sh-she just wouldnt stop talking an-and I got carried away. You believe me right?"

Pretty Hurts - Erik KIllmonger x readerWhere stories live. Discover now