Chapter 16

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"Y/n! Y/n wake up! What the fuck bro I leave you alone for 5 seconds and you do some dumb shit!?"

I could hear his voice in the distance. No please dont save me I pray to myself. Why cant he just leave me be? He is going to have to kill me eventually right?

I feel him pull me up and out of the water. I was so close, so close to an ending of my choosing, a peaceful one. I have nothing left. I have no more fight in me. I dont even know who I am.....not that I ever truly did.

"Baby please wake the fuck up! Tiago! Come here NOW!" I heard a mix of voices and footsteps that I couldnt quite make out.

"Oh shit, What the fuck happened?" Tiago said rushing in and crouching down beside Erik who was holding me unconcious.

"She tried to fuckin drown herself nigga. Im gonna do CPR but I need you to run into my room and grab her clothes. She is already weak and I cant lose her!"

Tiago was Erik's best friend and confidant. He has seen Erik in many ways, shapes and forms. He had seen him happy, angry, moody, MURDEROUS.....but never in all their years of friendship did he ever once see Erik like this. He saw genuine fear in his eyes. He knew right then and there that Erik had thawed, he had been brought back from the cold dead shell of himself that he was. Y/n had brought Erik back from the dead. Thats when Tiago knew.....

Erik didnt care about Y/n..

He loved her.

A few hours later.......

I had woke up with a skull shattering headache. "Fuck, why cant he just let me be done with all this shit?" I whisper to myself assuming nobody else was in the room with me. I figured as much until I heard Erik's voice...

"Because I wont let you Y/n. Not now. Not ever" I rolled my eyes upon hearing his stupid meaningless words. I have half a mind to go off on him and call him everything but a child of God but I refrain beacuse my head is pounding. So I settle for flipping him off.

"I saved your life and that's the fucking thanks I get!" he growls and jumps up from his chair across the room. "You got some fucking nerve Y/n, Im just tryna help you and all I get is a fuck you?"

"Erik just stop. Please." I let out in a whisper and I wince when I hear a sharp alarm going off. I take in my surroundings and it seems I am connected to some sort of medical equipment and from the looks of it my blood pressure is spiking. I watch him internally calm himself down before reapproaching me. "Look we'll talk later I just need to make sure you are alright. But believe me when I say this Y/n. This shit aint over..." He and I were locked into a impromptu staring contest like the night we met. The only difference being I knew he portrayed himself to be. The constant similarity being I truly did not know who I was looking at. I was the first one to break eye contacting, closing my eyes as I submerged myself into a spiral of my deppest thoughts and questions....

I dont know him and he doesnt know me. So why go through all this trouble? Kidnapping me and having me beat up by his...whoever the fuck Linda was... Just for him to save my life.

For what? My inner dialogue was trying to conjure equations and figure out what he wants with me.

Im ordinary.

Im a basic nobody from a trailer park in a smalltown in Texas.

I guess im not that ordinary, if what my mom said is true....

My mom.....I wish I couldve had more time with her, I wish I could have her with me right now, guiding through my new so-called identity..... I dont even know who or what I am anymore. All I know is secrets and lies. Thats all I am now, a product of secrets and lies......

Pretty Hurts - Erik KIllmonger x readerWhere stories live. Discover now