Chapter Four

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I slowly opened my crusty eyes and noticed that Andrei was already gone.

I was curled up in a gray blanket, hair all messed up, and glanced at the clock that read 10:47 a.m. I must have slept really well, considering I felt really good. Maybe because I slept with Andrei for the night, or maybe I was genuinely really tired, or both.

I got myself up from the bed, opened the door, and made my way upstairs to find Andrei and Jaccob sitting at the dining room table eating some breakfast.

"Morning," Andrei said with a smile.

I returned the smile back at him, then I yawned. "Morning," I responded as I put my hand over my mouth to cover my yawn.

Both Jaccob and Andrei chuckled.

"I was going to wake you up, but you looked like you were enjoying your sleep," Andrei said. "We have an omelet and some sausage leftover if you're hungry,"

I yawned again. "I should be okay. Thank you for the offer, though," I responded.

Andrei looked at me in confusion, but he shrugged before getting back to eating his breakfast.

"So what were you doing in the middle of the night?" Jaccob asked me.

My eyes widened and Andrei nearly choked on the bite of his omelet.

"Uh, my mouth was really dry. So I got a quick drink of water before I went back to bed," I responded as I slipped in one of the chairs on the end of the table by Jaccob and Andrei.

Jaccob nodded his head. "You were kinda loud," he chuckled. "It woke me up before I went back to bed,"

Andrei's eyes widened after he swallowed his bite of the omelet. I could tell this was sort of bothering him.

"Why is Andrei here again?" I asked Jaccob, even though I got the answer from Andrei last night. I just didn't want it to make it obvious that we were in a weird relationship at the current moment.

"Did I not tell you yesterday? Maybe I just told you about why he's staying. Andrei is staying for a few days here because of his situation with his now ex-girlfriend. He just needs some time to relax and get his mind away from a relationship," my brother responded as he took a bite of his cut up sausage.

Andrei and I glanced at each other with an unnoticeable smirk to Jaccob. Neither Andrei or I knew what we actually were, but the fun was only starting to begin.

I nodded my head. "Fun, a new temporary roommate," I said with a smile.

Jaccob chuckled. "Woop. Anyways, I got to run over to the pharmacy to pick up some sunburn relief cream or something like that. Anybody need some Tylenol or ibuprofen while I'm there? It should just take me a half hour at most," he said as he got up from the table.

"Wait, so, is it just going to be just me and Andrei here?" I asked him while he set his empty plate into the sink.

My brother looked back at Andrei and I. " that a problem?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Both Andrei and I shook our heads. "No, no. We're probably going to stay in our rooms and do nothing," Andrei said as he finished his glass of orange juice.

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