Chapter Twenty-three

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** Note : This story does not take place where American companies cut ties and leave Russia, leaving them with sanctions. There is also no corruption or no war with the country of Ukraine. Russia is a friendly country for the sake of the story! <3

I woke up from the rough plane landing as the captain on the intercom said something in Russian, probably telling us that we had finally landed in Moscow.

We didn't have a direct flight from Raleigh-Durham to Moscow Sheremetyevo, we had a brief layover in Berlin Brandenburg before coming to Moscow.

Since it was about six in the evening in Moscow when our plane landed, Andrei just booked a nearby hotel and we would be staying the night in Moscow before boarding our flight to Kazan the next day.

I yawned as Andrei gathered his stuff from the four hour flight and stuffed them in his backpack.

"Had a good nap?" He asked with a calming, charming smile.

I softly chuckled, still batting my eyes to fully wake up. "I still feel a little tired," holding the 'little bit' hand signal, "but I'm sure I'll be okay if I get a coffee."

He giggled. "Maybe,"

Everyone on the plane stood up and got their carry-on luggage from the overhead bins, and I had the luxury to sit during the entirety since Andrei had the aisle seat.

I glanced outside of the window and saw the distant Moscow skyline behind the airport terminal.

"Ready to go, sleepyhead?" Andrei asked as he raised the handle to my carry-on suitcase.

I groaned as I slowly got up from the uncomfortable airplane seat and scurried my way through the seats and out into the aisle.

I followed Andrei as we made our way down the aisle and exited the plane.

"Do svidaniya!" The flight attendants cheerfully said as Andrei and I went past them.

"Poka," I responded with an awkward wave.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally made our way into the airport, and immediately I was thrown off with how much practically was in Russian. Of course, I had a translator with me, but I was thrown off a little by the little to none English translations on each direction sign and advertisement. Nonetheless, Moscow Sheremetyevo was pretty modernized and lovely.

"There's a coffee shop over there," Andrei mentioned with a smile as he pointed to a Starbucks a few steps away from baggage claim.

While waiting for Andrei's suitcase to come out on the conveyor belt at baggage claim, I thought it would be nice to text my brother telling him I made it safely to Moscow.

World's worst brother

That's good. You have another flight tomorrow morning right

Mhm. Then we're staying in Kazan for about a month before we fly back to the States

Yup. Then you're coming to Denver with me 😉

Yay more traveling


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