Chapter Ten

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"Holy shit," I moaned as Andrei scooped me and pinned me to the bed all in one motion, one arm hooked under my armpit and the other down by my pelvic area. His lips brushed against mine while he inserted his finger inside of me, starting slow as we exchanged kisses.

As he rapidly increased tension and speed, fingering the ever living life out of me, spewing every last moan and squeal I could before the actual fun started, I squirmed after every thrust that felt most pleasurable.

"I know you love that," Andrei muttered into my ear.

All I could respond with was a quiet squeak and a slight nodding of my head.

He grinned before pressing his lips onto mine and going faster. I helped him out a bit, putting my finger on my clit and started rubbing it. Of course I had started to spasm even more, which only made everything better.

"Holy fuck, Andrei, I'm gonna—"

My eyes darted wide open with a gasp as I woke up to my pitch black room, and the digital clock read 4:29 in bright, red numbers.

I sighed and laid my head back down into my pillow. I wonder why I was dreaming about Andrei and I having sex, but I didn't think much about it.

I yawned, then I glanced at my phone.

Speaking of Andrei, he had sent me three messages, all while I was sleeping.

You've gotta come over and watch this amazing movie with me. I've got snacks and everything

Delilah? Hello?

I'm assuming you're sleeping. Спокойной ночи, I love youuuu <3

I smiled. Andrei already knew me too well after a month of dating. Some would say he knew me better than I knew myself.

I yawned again, setting my phone back on the nightstand.

The beginning of the regular National Hockey League season was today.

Fortunately, the Hurricanes had home ice for the first game. They played the San Jose Sharks, who are still currently in a rebuild after their Stanley Cup appearance in 2016.

As with Andrei, I was extremely pumped and excited for tonight. All of their nonstop practices and few preseason games all led up to this point, and to see how everyone was going to play with the new guys and guys who had departed from the team during the off-season.

I decided to make a quick stop at Andrei's house before he had to leave to get to the arena.

I knocked on the door, wearing just a pair of leggings and the jersey he had given me a little over a month ago. I was debating whether I should go in this look or be professional, but it's the first game. It's gotta be a special occasion.

A few seconds later, there was a heavy pair of footsteps behind the door before Andrei opened it. He was shirtless and in a pair of black shorts with the alternate Hurricanes logo on the left leg of the fabric.

"Hey!" he exclaimed as he brought me into a light, gentle hug.

"Hi, Andrei," I said into his shoulder, then he let go of me.

He chuckled. "What brings you over here?" he asked, letting me into his house.

I shrugged. "Well, I thought I would stop by and hopefully boost your morale for tonight," I responded, slipping myself in one of the barstools at his counter.

He got out a water bottle and set it next to me. He smiled, and I swear maybe he rolled his eyes just a touch as he sat next to me. Mind you, he was still shirtless.

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