Chapter Sixteen

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A light knocking came at my door to the room that I was staying in for the couple of days I was here at my parents' house.

"Come in," I said, continuing to scroll and look at Hurricanes tickets for the month of January.

The doorknob turned, and the door opened. It was Andrei who wanted my attention.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

He closed the door behind him. "I was just wondering if you were doing alright. I got my stuff unpacked," he told me, a small smile widening his squeezable face.

I chuckled. "That's good," I responded, setting my phone to the side as Andrei slipped next to me on my queen sized bed.

He chuckled in response, then looked at me up and down. "Is that sweatshirt comfortable?" he asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I giggled, wrapping my arms around his upper torso, below his chest area. "Well, I'm practically drowning in it, but yes," I responded.

"It looks good on you. As if you already have three quarters of my sweatshirts and/or shirts that you've either stolen or I've given you," he said with an assuring smile, letting me know that he was right.

I rolled my eyes as I let go of him and laid back against my comfortable pillows. He slipped his hand underneath the sweatshirt and the shirt I was wearing and gently rested his huge hand on my stomach.

His eyes quickly darted to my covered stomach, then back into my glowing, light green eyes.

I blushed as he began to slowly and gently rub my stomach, making my nerves and skin tingle.

"You know, maybe this'll be a learning experience we get to explore together," Andrei mentioned, gazing into my eyes. A sparkle lit in his deep brown eyes, causing me to blush even more. "After all, it makes it easier for the two of us to be together forever,"

I smiled at the thought of that idea.

"If Jaccob doesn't get in the way, that is," I giggled.

Andrei chuckled. "How did he take the news of you being pregnant?" he asked, slipping his hand away and out of my shirt.

I scoffed. "Of course he was mad. He thought I was joking at first then he found out that I was telling him the truth," I responded. "Then he asked where you were, then you magically show up at the door and he storms out,"

"How far did they say you were in?" Andrei continued to ask. "I'd assume at least five weeks, since it's been that long since the little beach vacation,"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, and I'm seven weeks in. I've already noticed my stomach is growing," I mentioned.

Andrei chuckled again. "I saw that," he responded. "You're growing strong,"

"Oh, stop it," I teased, lightly punching and brushing my knuckles on his shoulder.

He rolled his eyes as he put his other hand on my cheek and laced his fingers through the strands of hair by my ear. "What? I'm only stating the obvious," he said.

"You're being dramatic. Wait, let me take that back. You're always dramatic." I told him with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes again and brought our lips together. I lifted my left arm and put my hand on his rough, reddened cheek, lacing my fingers through his soft, brown hair underneath his backward black baseball cap that he was wearing. I put my other hand on the base of his neck and shoulder, providing stability as we made our way back to sitting up.

"I can taste the caramel latte you had in Raleigh," he mentioned between kisses. "Tastes good,"

I softly chuckled as I could feel his tongue swirl around mine as he went in deep for more.

behind your back ~ andrei svechnikovWhere stories live. Discover now