Chapter Fifteen

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I was about ready to throw hands at anyone who pissed me off the slightest bit. Even if it was supposed to be a joke. Especially Andrei.

Ever since he called me after the Hurricanes game in Boston and I told him that I was pregnant, he's been avoiding all contact with me. What a great father he'll be, that is, if I don't do anything about this damn baby inside of me. Oh, and just wait until Jaccob finds out about this. I can't wait.

Since the Canes came back on their flight from Philadelphia when they played the Flyers the night before, I wonder if I should just run away so Andrei wouldn't have to find me. Perhaps I should get onto a flight to Denver and stay at my parents' house for a bit. No, that'll just make everything worse.

Around two in the afternoon, a series of knocking came at my door. Worried that this might be Andrei, I got up from the couch and creeped over to the door. I peeked through the peephole, and noticed that the face wasn't Andrei's. It was Jaccob's.

I opened the door and allowed my brother to enter.

"Hey," he said.

I glanced back at him as I closed the door and locked it. "Do you need something?" I asked him.

He blinked, a concerned look plastered across his face. "Yeah, I'm concerned about something. I'm wondering two things: one, are you okay with, you know, your stomach pain? Sorry, I was in Boston and Philadelphia so I unfortunately couldn't help you," he said, his voice lowering. "Two, Andrei's been acting up again,"

I raised an eyebrow. "And you expect me to know the answer to why Andrei is acting weird? You guys are his teammates," I mentioned.

Jaccob blinked again, a confused look now morphing from his concerned expression. "And you're his girlfriend," he responded, crossing his arms. "What happened?"

I hesitated, debating whether I should tell my brother what happened. Last time I did so he freaked out, even though I told him I wasn't pregnant. Now it was the complete opposite.

I sighed. "Well, you know we had the little team bonding thing with the team and their significant others and it was a good time and I really enjoyed it—"

"Just tell me what happened, Delilah." Jaccob demanded.

I frowned, admitting guilt.

"Andrei and I had sex and now I'm pregnant." I spat at him. He wanted the truth, so I gave him the truth.

Jaccob's eyes widened at the same time as his jaw dropped to the floor, like he just saw a ghost.

"Are you being serious? Delilah, please be joking," he frantically said, having a jokingly astounded smile on his face.

I gulped as I could feel my face rapidly get warm. I didn't say anything; my body language said it all.

Jaccob groaned, and I could tell he was extremely distraught about the fact that now he was going to be an uncle to his sister's and teammate's child.

"I'm sorry, Jaccob. I really am. I never wanted this to happen so early," I told him.

"Where the hell is Svechnikov?!" he demanded, significantly raising his tone of voice as the distraught and concern overwhelmed his body.

I shrugged, nearly collapsing into tears. "I don't know! I haven't spoken to him since you guys were in Boston!" I yelled back, fighting back the tears welling in the creases of my eyes. "You go find him if you want him so fucking bad!"

Jaccob's eyes flared in anger. "No, I think you need to find him. You guys need to get this situation figured out. It's not my fault Andrei decided to be an idiot and got you pregnant," he responded. "You guys started dating in July and you two are already having a child. How fucking dumb are you?! What, is this your third time having sex with him now?"

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