Chapter Six

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Jaccob came home at about 9:30, and thankfully Andrei and I were in our respective rooms.

After Andrei and I had sex in his car, we really didn't talk much afterwards. Which was alright, I needed to do some things in my room to make it more cozy for the time that was being here.

"I'm back!" exclaimed Jaccob.

I got out of my room, dressed in a pair of leggings and one of the sweatshirts that my brother had given me.

"How was your date?" I asked him as I turned on one of the lights.

Jaccob shrugged with a smile. "I've got myself a girlfriend!" he said.

My eyes widened. "That's awesome!" I responded. "Spill everything."

Jaccob walked up the stairs and set his stuff next to the loveseat in the living room area across from the dining room. "Well, she's coming over for the night," he said.

"Wait, so there's going to be four people in this house tonight?" I asked him.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, is there a problem with that? After tomorrow, it'll just be the two of us since Andrei is moving back to his house. There will be silence in this house once again," he responded as he leaned against the wall.

I gulped, thinking about the deal Andrei and I had made before we had sex. Andrei had his end of the deal done, now I had mine to encounter.

"Jaccob, can I ask you something?" I asked him with a slight stutter in my voice.

He looked at me in confusion. "Of course you can. What's up?"

I sighed as I started to fidget around with my fingers. "Why is Andrei leaving so early?" I spat, almost choking on the tightening knot in my throat.

He looked at me in even more confusion. "Why are you so concerned about Svech? First, you're talking to him in the pool, now this?" he continued to ask. I knew that was going to be his reaction.

"I just want another roommate to talk to, other than you. Not saying you're bad, but I'd like someone different to be around, you know?" I responded.

He raised an eyebrow.

I sighed again. "I also overheard Andrei talking to himself about how he's not ready to move back to his house since his ex-girlfriend's stuff is still there," I added to hopefully make my suggestion more validated than just 'can Andrei stay a few more nights?'

"Do you mind bringing Andrei up here? I believe he's in his room doing God knows what," my brother asked.

I nodded my head. "Of course," I responded before heading downstairs and walking towards Andrei's room.

I knocked on the door and Andrei answered with wet, messy hair and some new clothes that he didn't wear earlier today.

He smirked. "What do you want?" he curiously asked, probably to get onto my nerves.

I rolled my eyes. "I asked Jaccob about you staying a few more nights, as part of our little deal we had earlier. He wants you to come upstairs," I told him.

Andrei chuckled. "Alright," he responded as he shut his light off and followed me upstairs.

Jaccob was taking some leftovers out of the refrigerator when I brought Andrei upstairs.

"I got him," I announced to my brother.

He set the container of leftovers on the counter and glanced up to look at Andrei and I standing in the walkway.

Jaccob smiled as he leaned against the counter. "Thanks, Delilah. Can I speak to Svech alone?" he asked, which I found a little odd.

Andrei and I quickly made confused eye contact, but I nodded my head and headed towards my room.

behind your back ~ andrei svechnikovWhere stories live. Discover now