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I slipped on Andrei's gold wedding band on his left finger, and he did the same with my diamond ring, giving him the best smile I could knowing that once we kissed, we were officially married and pronounced husband and wife.

"You may now kiss the bride," the pastor decreed, and with no hesitation, Andrei put one hand on my cheek and brought me close to his warmth, and finally pressed his lips against mine.

He put his other available hand on my right hip, and so I wrapped my arms around his neck, taking in all of what my new husband had to offer.

Cheering bellowed all around the chapel, all from our supportive family, friends, and other guests.

We both let go in sync and gazed into each other's calm, glowing eyes.

Andrei smiled as he turned to face the crowd in front of us, and held his bent arm to his side for me to lock mine with. So I do, and my maid of honor handed my bouquet of flowers back to me.

"Everyone please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Svechnikov!" The pastor exclaimed, and confetti shot out from the sides by the general seating and floated down on everyone in attendance and into the aisle.

Andrei and I glance at each other again, smiles wider than ever before, and once we turned to face our audience, we stepped down the stairs and began to slowly walk together for the first time as husband and wife.

Once we walked down the aisle together and into the back room, sprawled out with decorations, flowers, and some red Solo cups from the soda for getting ready. I closed the door and set the bouquet on the table, then hugged Andrei tightly to the point where he could barely even breathe through his tight tuxedo.

"I love you so much," I cried, but not enough to where my beautiful makeup was going to be ruined.

He grabbed and held me on my butt after I raised my legs and wrapped them around his torso and lower body. I buried my face into his shoulder, gripping onto him for dear life.

He bounced me up once so he could get a better grip. "Oh, detka," he said into my ear. "Don't cry on our special day. You're going to get your pretty face ruined by your gorgeous makeup and we haven't taken pictures yet, and the reception is in an hour," he told me, causing me to raise my head from his shoulder.

I sniffled. "I'm sorry, Drei. I just need to process that we're actually together forever, linked by our vows and these lovely rings," I responded, removing my left hand and looking at the gorgeous diamond ring on my left ring finger, where an engagement ring sat for a year.

He chuckled, face as red as the Carolina Hurricanes' red alternate jerseys. "Why, of course, detka. Ever since we first met in your brother's truck and driving you home from the airport we were meant to be together forever," he assured, tucking a curly lock of hair behind my ear with his bright, white smile while still keeping a steady grip on my bottom.

"How did I ever ask for someone as romantic and amazing as you?" I wailed, burying my face into his shoulder again.

He deeply chuckled. "Because you came looking for me, and you found me," he responded, then kissed the top of my head before letting me down.

I sniffled again. "Oh, Andrei," I said, sticking my bottom lip out.

"Oh, Delilah," he responded, then winked. "Svechnikova sounds good on ya,"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Alright, come on. Let's go take some pictures you dork," I ordered, wrapping my hand around his huge wrist and led him out of the back room and out into the main chapel hall where everyone was waiting to take pictures.

Upon entering the hall, we were immediately bombarded with questions and comments upon questions and comments, which didn't come to any surprise to me. Andrei and I literally just got married less than a half hour ago.

behind your back ~ andrei svechnikovWhere stories live. Discover now