Chapter 2-Laval

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I opened my eyes and gasped for air, the breeze scrapped against my naked body like knives and was blinded by the sun.
When I came to I saw the Phoenixes above me, I couldn't make out what what they said because I couldn't hear still but from what I could make out it was something along the lines of them thanking us for our sacrifice, us being saints, we saved Chima, etc. thankfully I had some of my clothes on or else that would've been awkward. When I gathered the strength I sat up and saw that all my friends were still alive thankfully, silently staring at something off in the distance. I tried to stand and call out to them but my legs collapsed and I was back on the ground. I tried again and stood up facing towards the edge.

I was speechless. I stood there in disbelief at what I saw. There was land beyond the outlands, beyond the mountain ranges that surrounded the outlands, there were rivers, oceans mountains, hills, forests, entire cities.

I passed out from the sheer amazement of a world beyond what I've always known, but most likely from the thin atmosphere.

When I woke up for the second time that day I was back on the ground right in front of the lion  Chi temple, to the sound of screaming, coming from the temple Was it all for nothing? Did I almost kill myself just for the Phoenix to leave!?

I sprinted towards the temple and fell over a couple times, my legs haven't regained feeling just yet. When I reached the top of the temple stairs I saw not a single weapon drawn or a single blast fired, it wasn't a battle, it was a celebration.

As I walked across the bridge I looked down into the market district I saw people celebrating, obviously, we'd just won a war after all. There were games, feasts, shops,  and...cages? I couldn't make out what was in them but I saw just one when I got inside, it was obvious what was in them when I got closer. It was the hunters.

As far as I knew, we never caged our enemies and paraded them around and humiliate them. As wrong as it seems it makes sense for what they did to us.
The throne room was completely empty except for the cage with someone in it, like no one cared somebody could just walk right in and set them free or steal Chi, i don't know how I didn't notice earlier but there wasn't a single patch of ice or a flake of snow on the ground. Upon close inspection I saw who was in the cage, Sir Fangar. But He looked much more different, like he was actually alive and not a walking corpse, he actually had an arm and a leg instead of ice, and the patches of exposed muscle were covered up with skin.
"Fangar?" I asked.
"Surprised to see me?" He answered
"What're you all doing in cages?"
"Why do you think, isn't it obvious? It was your own fathers idea. I guess he didn't like being frozen in a block of ice, said this is a way for me to get a taste of my own medicine" he answered
"But what about the great illumination? Wasn't that supposed to fix all this? Rid the world of evil? Then why are you all in cages?"
"Ha! Is that what fluminox has been teaching you! It may "rid the world of evil" but not vengeance in the hearts of its victims."

I tried to ask another question but before I could I heard someone call my name.

"Laval!" Someone shouted from across the room.
I turned to see but a white glimpse before being tackled to the ground.
"Thank the Chi you're here!" She said, embracing me.
"Good to see you too Eris" i said while trying to catch my breath. "It's nice to see you, but where's everyone else? I assume everyone else was there too, but why did I wake up in the middle of a field?"
"Ohh... about that, since me and Razar were the only ones up on Cavora with wings we kinda had to bring everyone down ourselves." she explained , trying to get it all out in a single breath. "Since there was an abundance of chi we used some to make it easier to carry y'all, but even then we almost passed out carrying everyone. One thing led to another and I kinda dropped the everyone I was carrying from pretty high up." I had to stop her because she was starting to turn redder than a Phoenix.
"Alright Eris I get it, don't pass out like I did. we should probably get down there before they start missing us." After she caught her breath she answered up.
"Alright, meet cha down there !" Before she left I got her attention one more time.
"Wait, one more thing!" She heard and answered.
"Did you see it too? I mean down there, below Chima."
"We'll talk about it when we find La'Gravis, he should know too."

The Legends Of Chima: Journey to the Lands BelowWhere stories live. Discover now