Chapter 15- Cragger

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Chapter 15- Cragger

After Laval, Eris and the other two people went off the soldiers released us, Kyten told me to watch the tank while he flew off, he said he'd be back in a few hours and he had to do something. So way I was gonna sit in this dark room and get weird looks from strange soldiers when there's a massive city with who knows what in it.

I went out to look around and see if I could get something to eat though I'm a little scared about what Kind of food they have here. As I was walking around I started thinking about the strange locals here, there were people I've seen before surprisingly, like lions, crocs, eagles, wolves, and there were some I didn't recognize; many of them were cat-like, like some large orange ones with black stripes and stocky muscular ones with spots. Some others were smaller with an athletic and slim build with beige fur and spots, others were even smaller but with a thick coat of fur and wrapped it cloth to protect from the sun. One thing they all had in common was they were armed, some with fancy sharp swords and the bigger ones typically had bigger weapons, like hammers and axes. I walked some more think about all these new people around me until I caught someone attention, they called me over to a cooking fire they had set up with some kind of meat and stew roasting over it, they all dressed the same like they were some kind of soldiers and looked dangerous, however they were offering food and I wasn't going to pass that up.

"Hey lizard! Come here!" One of the smaller cats called out to me. "You're new here, yes? Come eat, we would like to welcome you!" She told me, a couple others from her entourage were coaxing me to come over.

"You talking to me?" I called over to her as I approached.

"Yes, come here and rest, eat you look weary." She said as I came into their circle and they cleared a spot for me to sit. They were acting suspiciously welcoming but I couldn't turn back now, I was in too deep.

I sat down and they gave me a plate with all sorts of food on it, all very spicy but past my scorched tastebuds it was pretty good. I must've had stream coming out my ears because they started laughing when the spice kicked in for me. We talked for awhile and where I was from came. They said this entire city and the massive tower was built as a docking station for the massive floating islands like Chima and apparently there were others aswell. Didn't know that Chima moved around but then again up until a month ago I thought Chima was all there was. Guess you learn something every day, a lot every day in my case.

"Well it's been nice knowing you all but o think I should get going." I announced while about to get up

"Aww, so soon? It feels like you've just gotten here." The woman said, trying to get me to stay.

"Really I must get going." I said while standing up, but I felt a sharp claw jab into my side.

"We insist, you should stay with us for a little while longer." The person next to me said with some kind of claw weapon attacked to his wrist, I immediately drew my sword and stopped at his elbow in a stand off. Another came after me with similar claws and I got my other sword and wedges it between the blades, locking them in place and having him at my control.

"I think I will be going now." I said trying to intimidate them, I didn't work well though and the others drew their weapons. The girl who I assumed was their leader had me at sword point.

"Don't do anything stupid lizard, drop the swords!" She commanded me. It looked like I didn't have many options but if I could survive that fight with snake I'd be fine here. I did the opposite of what she said and did something stupid.

I slashed at the guy on my left and cut his cheek and deflecting her sword with the same strike, I slashed up at the guy on my right on his elbows and almost cut it off from the looks. I jumped backwards to get out of range and immediately two of the bigger cats descended on me. I dodged out of the way of the one with the battle axe but that left an opening for the second one, he had a war hammer and slammed it down on my side, ending the battle as soon as it started. The one I dodged hooked his axe around my neck and forced me to my feet and the other threw me over his shoulder.

"That wasn't very smart, cut one slightly and almost killed the other, but we'll have them patched up just fine when we get back home, and I get to have a little chat with you." She told me as I was being carried.

I was dragged into the dense gathering of slums and it seemed to get darker with a lot of tents shading the area and fires were abundant and the people in there were also just as armed as the ones carrying me. We eventual got to an abandoned building with boards on the windows, like many of the other houses in this area. One of them goes up to a door and says something I couldn't make out and we're let in.

When we got inside the door led to stairs leading down making the room slightly underground. I turned my head and a massive map was on the wall extending from floor to ceiling and seems to be a mad of the entire ceiling. I was carried further into the house, past many people who looked similar to my attackers, it started to seem more like several houses connected than one big one though. We got to a room with a table and chair in it and I was dropped in the chair, the big guy carrying me then left the room and locking the door behind him, leaving me with her.

"I saw you with that lion." She turned around and said to me.

"Who?" I asked, confused as to who she was talking about. I mean it's kinda obvious but I was around a lot of lions earlier so she could mean anyone.

"The one with the red mane in the storehouse. What we're you two doing talking to that tyrant? I want his name." She said in an interrogative tone.

"Oh you mean my friend Laval? What do you want with him?" I asked.

"Ry'Tharr was talking with him and I want to know why." She told me

"I don't know why, I didn't catch anything they were talking about." I told her.

"Then we are going to find out, and you're coming with." She told me as she went to leave the room.

"Wait why me? You guys attack me in the streets and act like I have to do this?" I questioned her, a little angry.

"Well you seem to have great relations with this lion so he'd trust you more, and I didn't say you'd be on your own me and my friend will accompany you. Also, think of it as you repaying your debt to us for attacking us." She explained.

She left the room for awhile and someone came back in with a syringe filled with some kind of red liquid. They injected it into my side where I was hit and hurt immediately. I lost my breath for a moment and I felt like my skeleton was reforming, it was the worst pain I ever felt for a minute or two but then everything felt normal again.

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