Return to Imperium

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We were back in the Crossroads without Nya this time.

Rapton was chasing some other dragons and was there to stop them.

"Coming through!" Arin used his grappling hook to swing through and kick some Claws.

"We interrupting something?" Asked Lloyd, throwing his sword to the handle that connected with the rope that help down the dragon.

"Deploy the drones!" Yelled Rapton before I pushed some debris onto his high-tech bike to keep him in place.

"You're bothersome, you know that?" I told the hunter before helping my brother to attack the drones.

Kai and Sora appeared to help.

"Let's free that dragon!" Yelled Lloyd, we all ran to the dragon o help it as we attacked the enemy.

"Not bad, kid. You really..." Kai was cut off when Arin hit himself instead of the drone, "...should probably work on that..."

"You alright?" I asked my student who smiled, "100% Sensei!"

"Great! Let's give these guys a taste of their own medicine!" I smirked under my mask.

Using the rope they tried to use on the dragon, I tied some of the Imperium soldiers together and tossed them away.

The rest of the soldiers left with Rapton, "Shh. It's going to be okay." Sora consoled the dragon after we finished the battle.

Before we could help the dragon get away we saw Rapton appear with some kind of machine and there appeared some light-based beast.

"It's just a hologram." Kai wasn't scared of it so he thought not moving was going to be okay.

"No, it's not!" Said Sora in shock somehow.

Instead of Kai getting hit, I pushed him aside making me the one getting hit, "AH!"

"Sis!" Lloyd shouted for me, "I'm good...! I'm good...! Gosh...That hurt like crazy...!" I responded.

"Sorry! I thought it was just a hologram!" Apologized Kai to me, feeling guilty I got hit because of him.

"No worries, K.S.! It makes great endurance training for me, haha!" I laughed it off.

We all put our hoods back on and started to run toward the beast.

Arin and Riyu hit each other by accident, Kai, Lloyd and I used our powers to hit it but they only bounced off.

"is this thing indestructible?! Not fair, buddy. Not fair!" Shouted Kai, I only pulled him with me to avoid getting hit again.

"What even is it?" Asked Arin to Sora, "It's a Photac. A digitally generated, weaponized techno-beast, comprise of hard light." Explained the technician.

"How do you know that?"  Arin asked some more, "Because when I was in Imperium, I invented it." Revealed Sora.

The techno-beast howled, searching for us.

We hide behind some junk in the junkyard, the beast went to be beside the dragon to keep it from escaping.

"Look out!" I yelled using my powers to stop a car from crushing us, the group luckily got my warning and moved away, making me let go of the car.

"We can fight it if we stick together! Come on!" Encouraged Arin.

We ran from the beast, Kai again tried to use his powers but his fireball bounced off, again.

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