Mindless Beasts

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"Eat flame, bad guy!" Yelled the teenager with fire powers, "Get wrecked by Wyldfyre!"

My brother dodged her attacks as I tried to stop her.

"Wait! He's not a bad guy! He saved me before you!" I tried to explain but she only jumped above me and tried to attack Lloyd again.

"You were imprisoned like me, no?! Why are you protecting him?! He should be in cuffs! Or better, BURNED!" Wyldfyre is dead set on to stand on what she thinks is right. and I think we'll have a problem if we can't persuade her.

"Bad guy?! No wait! This is just a disguise!" Called out Lloyd, still dodging her fire attacks.

"A disguise?" She asked, powering down her fire, "I can still see you, loser!" She started attacking him again.

"You!" Wyldfyre pointed at me, "Attack him! We can beat him together!"

"Sure." I joked, "WHAT?! Sis!" Retorted my brother.

"What? I always wanted to see who was the better fighter. No harm in that, right?" I smiled "innocently" toward my precious brother.

The said "precious brother" gave me a hard look, "You and I are having a serious talk on how to assess—ON HOW TO BE SERIOUS OR NOT!" He told before yelling the rest as he had to do acrobatics to avoid Wyldfyre's attacks again.

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged, "Wyldfyre! If he was your enemy, why would he let you out of your cell?" I blocked her.

"If you don't know, how should I?" She asked before attacking my brother again...

"Amazing...But you can't be the Elemental Master of Fire. There's only ever one at a time, and you're not him." Stated Lloyd.

"What are you even talking about? Answer, I don't care! Just let my family go!" Wyldfyre yelled before doing a ground pound.

"Careful Lloyd!" I called out before pulling him to the side, "You're hurting her?! Release her!" She yelled.

"No wait!" I tried to clear up the misunderstanding but it was too late...

"They took your family? Look, I have nothing to do with Imperium. You and I are on the same...SIDE!" Lloyd couldn't practically finish his sentence before being hit again and thrown down to another level.

"Wow...! Feisty. Been a while since I've seen such brute strength these days...Oh wait, Nya...Me? Ha! No wonder I'm not that surprised." I talked to myself before jumping down to help.

"Ouch. Sometimes I'm too incredibly great at fighting." Muttered Wyldfyre before standing up.

"You took that hit full on. You alright?" I asked flying down, "Ooh yeeeah!~ I'm fine! I'm sooo glad my older sister finally cares!" Responded Lloyd with a bunch of sarcasm.

I only smirked, "Well, look who decided to use sarcasm. Now I know you're my brother."

"I'll take it as a compliment." He smiled before blocking a metal pipe that was thrown at him by Wyldfyre.

"Your fire's a weird colour. Are you sick? And she can fly like a dragon." Said the girl.

"It's not fire. I'm the Green Ninja! She's the Light Ninja!" Lloyd pointed to us both.

"'Green Ninja'? 'Light Ninja'?" She scoffs, "Sounds fake. I'm not dumb! Don't try tricks on me. I did every learning module in my Caregiver-bot's memory banks!" Wyldfyre went to attack Lloyd again.

"Your power level is off the charts, but your attacks are all over the place. I could help you to..." Lloyd was still trying to persuade her.

"Stop talking and fight!" Wyldfyre yelled, having enough.

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