The Force From the East

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A dragon appeared right in front of us about to shoot fire from its mouth. We all gasped when we saw our possible fate sealed.

"HOLY SH*T!!!" I shouted in shock.

Yeah...we're toast...LITERALLY.


"Arin, Mom! Look out!" Sora warned us, we all moved away from the blue fire that the dragon directed at us.

"W-W-Wait! We mean no harm!" Arin tried to reason with the dragon.

The dragon only glared, stretching at us, "I don't think it's gonna listen to your reasonings, Arin!"

The mystical creature's screech pushed us back, "He'll listen to me! I speak dragon!" She started roaring, trying to talk to the dragon but it only growled at her. It lifted its hand to try and squash Wyldfyre, luckily, Riyu evaded the attack in time.

My daughter looked at the scene in hesitance, "He did not like whatever you said, Wyldfyre."

"What's his problem!?" Kai asked, his sister had a hunch, "Maybe he thinks we broke into his house. I'd be a little peeved too."

I huffed, moving away, "You and me, girlfriend," I agreed.

Kai was first to try and use his fire to hit the dragon but it deflected his attacks with his wings, "AH!" He stopped by the creature's hand and was about to get lit up before Nya saved him by using water to splash him.

Letting out an exhale in relief, Kai thanked his sister, "Thanks!" He thanked her as Nya took both of his hands and spun him back to his feet.

The Smiths worked together to distract the dragon so Sora could get out of the way, "Come on! If my visions were right, the teacher we need is supposed to be on the other side of that gate!" Lloyd spoke to me and Arin, we tried to open it but I noticed a bucket up in the air.

"Feels like it's sealed shut!" Arin tried to punch through but nothing was working, "Lloyd! Look up!" I called out to him, "That bucket! Awesome find, sis!"

Kai tripped on a boulder, "Urgh...This landscaping choice is NOT battle-friendly." he sassed as Sora helped him up, "These aren't ordinary boulders. They look like they were put here on purpose."

My brother picked one up, "It does look like they were put here on purpose." He then tossed me the boulder as I threw it towards the bucket but the dragon blocked it.

"What are you doing, girlfriend?" Nya asked me, "I'm pretty sure if that basket is weighed down by the boulders around here, it'll pull the chain and open the gate!" I explained, pointing to the bucket.

Lloyd joined me, "It was set up this way on purpose."

Nya and Kai picked up two boulders, "But that's not gonna happen if the dragon keeps blocking the stones." Sora didn't know how we'd pull it off.

"You go for it, baby brother!" I smiled under my mask, nodding at the Green Ninja, "Let's work together! Some of us distract the dragon."

"And the rest pick up some rocks and hoop like you've never hooped before!" I told the other part of the plan as we with it.

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