The Blood Moon

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-Angel, out!


It was another day in the Crossroads. The Mechanic could be seen terrorizing the streets, making numerous citizens flee.

Arin saved someone from being attacked by the villain before using his grappling hook and went to the rooftops, "Up here, bolts for brains!" He shouted to get the Mechanic's attention away from the innocents.

The Mechanic took the bait and followed Arin, but my brother and I were there to hit him with Spinjitzu. Lloyd took off his hood to smile at his student.

Adam waved happily at the camera filming us while I did the same, now uncovering my face. Arin took off his hood and waved back.


Another day rolled in. This time, there was a fire in a building, and Sora and I with Riyu went to evacuate the people still inside. Zane and Nya took care of the blazes.

"Are you alright, dear?" I asked the Tech Master who only smiled, "I'm fine, Sensei! Smoke inhalation won't stop me."

I smiled, shaking my head, "That just makes me even more worried."

Riyu appeared, nudging my cheek, "Haha! Okay, okay! I'll stop nagging. You'll make me get worried as well, big guy!" I laughed, petting the larger dragon to calm him down.

"Wheee!" Adam cheered, being on Rocky's back, flying around in the skies.

I gasped, running after the dragon carrying my son, "ADAM! I told you! No dragon riding until you're older! You're uncle and I haven't trained you on that yet! And STOP using beast cookies to feed Rocky! You're SO gonna be grounded when I catch you!"

I merely stopped running after them since I was too worn out from the earlier missions, "He's only five...'He won't be too much of a hassle' they say. They lied!"

"Well...That was something...?" Sora blinked, not knowing what to do, Riyu growled, also feeling her emotions.


Wyldfyre was on Riyu's back, trying to get a cat out of a tree. It did not end well...She was being attacked by the frightened cat.

"It's okay, Fugi-Dove. I gotcha," Kai consoled the man, going to get him out of the tree.

As someone filmed the rescue, Adam was seen running by, still on Rocky's back, "GET BACK HERE, ADAM BROOKSTONE!!!" I could be seen flying after them, extremely furious.

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