What it Means Being a Family

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(Back in Cole's POV, in Mysterium.)

I stood there awestruck at the woman in front of me. She looked exactly like Angel...

She let go of my face, "It's so wonderful to see you...!" A few tears escaped her eyes, "But I know you're not mine..."

Giving a solemn look at her, I sighed, "I'm sorry for getting your hopes up."

She shook her head, "N-No..." the woman wiped her tears away, "You gave me closure. That means my husband is still out there somewhere."

Adam looked in between the two of us, "That's not mom! She looks like her, but I know my mother when I see her."

Zane agreed, "It seems to be her alternate version of Sensei. But, I didn't expect her to be here of all places."

Bonzle looked confused. After hugging her creator she looked at the woman in front of me, "Yeah, now that you mention it...They do look alike. Except there's a slight difference in her appearance."

Gandalaria smiled, going to hug the woman, "This is (A/Y/N)! She appeared during the Merge, so I decided to take her in as my apprentice!"

The said woman gave a small bow to greet us, "Hello!"

"Can someone explain the backstory here?! What did I miss?!" Adam asked out of the blue making me turn to Zane.

The Nindroid gave a nod in return before explaining in vague detail, "Remember Cole's alternate version of himself?" The boy gave a nod, "This is your mother's version."

My son gave a sound of understanding, "Oh!" (A/Y/N) smiled sweetly at the boy, "He's your son? Well, I can see a clear resemblance!"

"So must be Mr. Cody's wife! Cool! Nice to meet you! I'm Adam Brookstone! The son of two great Ninja of the legends on these very lands!" Introduced Adam.

I have an unimpressed look, "Nice hyperbole, son. But I think just 'Ninja' is fine," Adam stuck out his tongue at me for my response to which I replied with a dramatic gasp. Saying that my son has started rebelling against me.

Cody's wife gave a surprised look at Adam, "What did you just say?! Did you just Cody? As in Cody Brookstone?!"

Zane clarified, "Yes. Do not worry, Mrs. Brookstone. He is currently safely travelling the lands to find you."

The woman shed a few tears of relief, "Thank goodness...! I thought I wasn't ever going to hear about him again...! The Merge ruined the timeline and our world so being here was a large adjustment. But...thanks to you all. I'm able to find hope in this world," she smiled.

"Of course!" I grinned, "I know the feeling of missing my partner all too well."

Adam scoffed, "Yeah, right. Miss? More like obsessed with Mom. He can't shut up about her for even a minute! He's always mentioning her name in EVERY conversation!"

I ignored his complaints, "My wife is such an amazing woman. I have to praise her every single day."

Zane chuckled at our banter while Bonzle held a small smirk, "She sounds nice! Just like my husband! Cody is such a hardworking person! And he's especially handsome! Did I mention that he's amazing?" Rambled on (A/Y/N).

I smiled, glad that there's someone who can relate to me about our partners, "Yeah, you did! He's not a bad guy, well he did some stuff in the past that he's not proud of but he redeemed himself so I'm okay with it. But my wife is exceptional! She can go into a fight that seems impossible to beat but come back unscathed."

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