Writers of Destiny

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It took us a few days, but we've reached the skies out of the Realm of Madness.

I saw Arin walk over to me to check on Riyu, "He'll be fine. Just still needs some rest after that power he drained from his body." I smiled in reassurance.

The boy nodded, before petting the dragon with a smile.

"Our little guy's still asleep. Totally exhausted." Smiled Arin, before he and I left to give Riyu some space to rest.

Sora was seen repairing her mech after the Earth Dragon and Cragling incident.

"Saving a kingdom of magical mud-eating rock monsters will do that." Said Lloyd, steering the ship.

"So you're telling me this dragon, like, 'sparks' or something? Then Sora can use her Elemental Power?" Kai asked the rest of us, about Sora and Riyu's connection in power.

"*Sighs* If I even have a power." She sighed, frustrated she still can't control them and that maybe she was just 'stealing' Riyu's powers, "It might be all Riyu. You say how he powered up that mud field."

"Sora, dear, your teacher and I have gone over this. You have a power." I declared, trying to assure her she does, she just needs to control it.

Lloyd agreed to my statement, "My sister's right. Riyu just...'soups' it up."

"'Souping up' isn't how dragons work, is it? That's weird, right?" Asked Nya.

"Everything's been weird since the Merge happened. As far as I know, no one's ever taught themselves Spinjitzu before, but then the Merge hits and suddenly..." Lloyd was interrupted by Kai.

"Wa--wait." He pointed to Arin, "You learned Spinjitzu by yourself? No Master Wu morning breath?"

"More like you were the one needing 'that' morning breath for training." I giggled.

Kai gave me an offended look before rolling his eyes at my joke, "At least I ain't a psychic that gets into all those sticky situations after their spooky theories."

"Says the Ninja who probably ran into the Earth Dragons' sleeping area, thinking it was the Cragling Village and accidentally woke them up. Getting them irritated, since they need sleep for the next day as they're not nocturnal and chased you all the way to the village, which ended up making Nya mad, with me in tow and causing a ruckus. That was eventually resolved thanks to our friend, Riri." I fought back, with my psychic theory.

There was silence on the Bounty before you could hear, Lloyd and Nya's laugh. They tried to hold it in but it didn't work well.

"And she HAD to hit me with her ability of 'seeing the future' AGAIN! Come on! I have no idea how you're married to Cole..." Kai was of course complaining.

I thought I heard something from him in the last part of his complaint, "What was-"

"He said nothing!" Quickly intervened the Water and Green Ninja.

"But I'm sure K.S. said that--" I was cut off again by Nya, "Haha! Nothing but just Kai being Kai, girlfriend! Haha! Arin, you were just about to explain how you taught yourself Spinjitzu, right?"

Arin gave me a confused look before looking over his other teacher and the Water Ninja.

I could tell Nya gave him a look for him to quickly continue as Lloyd smiled in a way that kinda threw me off.

"Okay...I'm a bit worried here..." I muttered, just going to ignore that whole incident.

"Well, it's a shaky, basic Spinjitzu." Arin continued.

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now