Chapter One: The Moonlight Silhouette 

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TW; There will be mentions of smut, smut, being left the day after, suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide, abuse, slurs, getting drunk, smoking cigarettes, and doing drugs in this story. and just a reminder that all of the main characters are 16 and 17 and in their senior year of Highschool.

(These are for the entire story, not just this chapter)

~If I missed any please inform me nicely instead of being rude about it~


~Kyles POV~

I woke up sore, turning slightly to see my best friend getting dressed. "Where are you going..?" I asked, my voice scratchy from screaming into a pillow last night. Stan turned to face me, his face looked regretful. "Go back to sleep Kyle." He said as he threw his jacket on lazily. 

My tired mind couldn't comprehend that correctly as I closed my eyes, I was half asleep and didn't really understand anything at the moment, sure I did what he wanted me to do, but I didn't understand it or the fact that he was leaving in a few moments. After the door opened I opened my eyes again to see Stan leaving "don't go.." I mumbled sleepily as he sighed, coming over to me and ruffled my hair. "See you at school Kyle." He said and then left before I could answer, closing the door carefully as if to not wake my family.

I frowned to myself and fell back asleep for a few more hours until my alarm clock went off. I sat up stretching, my body hurting from last nights events. I blushed as I thought about them. The way Stan held my body carefully yet firmly. The way his soft lips pressed against my skin, occasionally leaving hickeys that could be easily hidden. The way he took his time with me, making sure I felt good physically. The way the alcohol stench made me almost gag every time he whispered 'I love you Kyle' while our body's moving together. The words were so intoxicating and I couldn't help but believe them at the time, but now I know they were just lies to get me to keep wanting to sleep with him when he felt bad and needed a way to cope with his own feelings.

I rubbed my face with my hands. I can't believe we even did that again. Last night wasn't the only time me and Stan had sex and he left in the middle of the night despite my whines for him to stay. We only ever had sex when he was drunk and lonely. Which was rather often these days. He always came to my house crying about that bitch Wendy and how she broke his heart and he will never date her again. Every time this happens I can't help but hate her more and more.

She keeps stealing my Super Best Friend from me and crushing his heart into a million pieces. Then the next day she'd get back together with him. Making him either forget the night we just had and all the things he whispered to me, or he chose it ignore it all and then forget it. And either one pissed me off every single time I thought about them. I don't know why I kept putting myself through this. I'm so sick and tired of it. I felt myself tear up at just the thought of it. Oh god I wished he loved me back. I wished he held me the same way he held Wendy. I wished he wouldn't be drunk when ever we had sex. I wi- I was cut off of my thinking by my mother

"Kyle! Ike! Time to wake up!" My mother called from down stairs making me roll my eyes, we have alarm clocks i don't know why she keeps yelling it. Though I was kinda glad she did, I felt myself starting to spiral. I got dressed and ready for the day, putting foundation on any and all of the hickeys Stan left on any visible skin. I then grabbed my bag and went down stairs.

"Hey kyle, did you study last night for the 3 hours like I told you too?" She asked making me sigh and nod my head "yes mom, I did" I lied. I didn't have time, because well.. Stan-. "Good job, how about you Ike? Did you study for the one hour we promised?" Ike nodded his head at the question

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