Chapter Nine: The job

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After Kenny got me the job at Tweek Bros I sneak to my old house and grab some clothes for myself that actually fit and then I sneak back hom- to Kenny's house and don't see Kenny. I figure he's off doing important stuff so I put my things in his closet and lay on the bed. It was around 10:27 and I started work the next day at 5 so I have to wake up at least at 4:30 am, I needed to sleep.

I close my eyes and actually managed to fall asleep.

Around 1 in the morning I wake up to the noise of Kenny crawling through the window. I open my eyes and see him taking off his costume and hiding it before putting on some pants and getting into bed besides me shirtless. I move over and cuddle into his chest and he moved to wrap his arms around me. "I love you" he says softly and I give a small tired hum, aware of what he just said as I hide my face into him more. I fall back asleep and around 4:15 I wake up needing to use the bathroom.

I get up and cancel my alarm so it doesn't go off since I'm up anyways. I go to the bathroom, wash hands, then my face, and then I brush my teeth. When all of that was done I go to the room and change my clothes and go over and kiss Kenny on his forehead.

I leave and head to work, I was so nervous. I realized I don't have a ride for work and thank the gods that I woke up early and began walking.

I walk there and when I get there I see a pretty calm Tweek unlocking the door "hey Kyle" he says

I know why he's calm, he hasn't had coffee yet.

I walk in and look around, I've never been in the back before. I get used to my new surroundings and Tweek teaches me how to clock in on the machine.

He shows me how to start the machines and clean up everything that wasn't cleaned the night before properly.

As soon as it hit 5:30 Tweek went and opened the door and unlocked it. He went to the counter "alright.. uhm.. people usually start coming in around s-six-"

"So uhm... make me a coffee and I'll watch" Tweek says

I nod my head and put on some hand sanitizer and begin making the coffee, it was very obvious that it was my very first drink.

Tweek took it and took a sip "alright.. so.. you're terrible at this" he pokes fun at me, being playful

I blush clearly embarrassed

"Alright make a few more until the customers come in, if a customer orders the drink you make, then just give it to them. If it's been 45 minutes we're gonna have to dump it out or we can drink them" tweek says pushing his blonde hair back revealing his forehead more.

After a few minutes our first customer for the day walks in. I see Kenny and smile "what are you doing here?" I ask

"Well, I came to see how it's going" he glances at the poorly made drinks and Tweek grabs one and hands it over to Kenny. He takes a sip and made a grossed out face.

"Hey! It's not that bad!" I gasp at his over reaction and he begins laughing "it's absolutely terrible" he keeps his face and takes another sip, the face looking even more disgusted.

I watch him "wait is it seriously that bad?" I ask and he shook his head "it's good for black coffee but black coffee is gross" he laughs and grabs some sugar packets and dumps them into the coffee.

Then someone else comes in and Tweek takes their order, I watch him and he gives the person their drink. Tweek drank his coffee until it was empty before picking up one of the other coffees I made earlier and drinks that too

"Tweek, come on" Kenny says and Tweek puts the drink down. Craig has been trying to get Tweek to drink less coffee and must have told Kenny to make sure he doesn't drink too much at work.

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