Chapter Two: Late Night Visit

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~Kyle's POV~

I woke up the next morning looking like shit, I mean, well I did only get like 3-4 hours of sleep, i don't think I'm supposed to after that little of sleep. I turned off the blaring alarm right next to me we I laid back in my bed just staring at the ceiling before my eyes started to fall again.

A few moments later I heard banging on my door "Kyle! Wake up! Your bus is going to leave in a few minutes" My mom called but.. I just couldn't. I laid back on the bed sighing

I closed my eyes once again and fell asleep. Maybe after a solid 15 minutes of sleep my mom came into my room "Kyle broflovski! You're late for school!" She yelled at me making me sit up and rub my face rather annoyed. I wished she would just leave me alone.

"Get your ass up and get ready!" She then closed the door rather hard as she left "you better be in my car in the next 5 minutes or you are grounded!" She screamed going outside to presumably her car. I sighed and got up, I changed rather lazily, I changed my boxers, put on some sweat pants and a hoodie as I left, putting my hoodie hood up as I realized that i left my hat.

I just walked into the car, starting to think about what would have happened if Mysterion didn't stop me last night.. I shut the door and buckled up, leaning against the window as my mom started scolding me and lecturing me about the importance of being punctual and not missing things like the bus. I tuned her out, I just.. couldn't focus..

"Are you listening to me!?" She screamed hitting me on my side to snap me out of my trance "y-yes. You said that being punctual is good way to get my boss and my peers to like me in the future or even now when I'm school." I repeated her unconsciously as she sighed relaxing when she realized I was listening, i truly wasn't, she just always says something around those line whenever we are late. I pushed my hair out of my face before rubbing my eyes as I see the school starting to approach and the second we parked the car the bell when off meaning we had 3 minutes to get to our class or we get a tardy. Which is basically just slip that means you were late and if you get more than 5 you get a detention. If it's 10 it's an out of school suspension for a day. 12 it's three days. No one has ever gotten more than 12 so I couldn't tell you what comes after.

I have yet to get one any of my years of high school and I think today I might get my first one unless my first period is cool with me probably being a minute or two late. I wouldn't really mind either, it's just one.

I put my bag on my shoulder and leave the car, my mom saying good bye but I shut the door before I could respond. I turned back and made my way into the school, spacing off and getting lost in my thoughts.

~Kenny's POV~

~1 hour earlier~

I woke up and looked at my alarm clock before hitting it to get it to shut the fuck up. I looked out my window and sighed rubbing my face. "I hope Kyle didn't try to do something stupid again.." I mumbled before getting up and getting dressed, i sniffed my jacket and almost gagged "holy shit I need to go to the Laundromat" I sighed throwing my jacket to the side as I decided I wasn't gonna wear it today. I put on my face mask and then left my room, knocking on my sisters door to wake her up "Karen, come on hun, time to wake up" I said moving to the next door because they finally had separate rooms "you too Kevin" as soon as I heard some shuffling I knew they were awake so I started my walk to the bus stop, yeah I have a truck, but gas is becoming expensive and I only use my truck when i absolutely need to, I don't even use it when I need to go to work at the coffee shop, Tweek's family coffee shop to be exact.

Craig wanted his boyfriend to not be so stressed and in order to do that, the coffee shop needed more workers, so he knew I was looking for cash so, he practically forced me to get the job at the coffee shop, not that I mind very much though, it pays about a dollar more than minimum wage which is hella awesome for me.

K2: Kenny x Kyle: That One Fateful Night Where stories live. Discover now