Chapter 8: The Connection

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(I'm changing this story to senior year, idk if I said anything else about it being junior year except in the disclaimer, but it's senior now)


~Kenny's pov~

I brought Kyle and Ike to my house, I laid Kyle down on my bed and Karen came in and hugged Ike. "What happened?" Karen asks and Ike doesn't tell her so she looks at me and I sigh not knowing how to answer the question

It is awkward for a few moments and Kyle slolwy starts waking up, looking at me sadly as I kiss his forehead

"I don't wanna do this anymore" Kyle whispered to me and my heart broke into a million pieces. "I know" I say

The four of us stay there before Karen looks at Ike "wanna go watch TV?" She asks and he nods his head "yeah!" She says

The two of them leave to the livingroom to watch something stupid as Kyle and I cuddle in my bed, I whisper sweet nothings in Kyle's ear, occasionally kissing right under it.

We laid there before he spoke up "let's run away together" he says and my eyes widen a bit

"Well.. let's graduate high school first." I say kissing his head, brushing my fingers through his hair, trying to detangle some of the knots

"We can go to the farthest collage you want, we can go another country if you want" I say kissing his nose and he smiles weakly.

"Let's get married" he says and I laugh a bit "you're so cute" I say and kiss him on the lips and he kisses me back.

The two of us carefully make out with each other, my hand rested on his cheek, his hand on mine. We made out for longer than I could keep count.

I pulled away and placed some kisses on his jaw and then his neck, lightly sucking on one part, I made a hickey and he made the cutest sound I had ever heard. "I love you" he says making me smile more "I love you too" I reply pulling away and kissing him again,

"Kenny..?" He asks

"Yes Kyle?" I ask back

"I-I uhm.. never mind" he says and I sigh, I don't want to make him feel bad, so I don't press on about it. I just place another kiss on his head and go quiet.

"Do you think.. uhm.." he takes in a deep breath "do you think I could use your shower?" He asks, making up a question, he obviously wasn't going to ask that, but I nod my head "of course you can, you don't have to ask.

He gets up and stretches a bit, wincing in pain, "there's bath salts if you want" I say and he looks back at me "couldn't use them?" He asks making me chuckle a bit "I wouldn't have offered if you couldn't" I tease to brighten the mood and he just smiles a bit as I go to my closet and pull out some clean clothes for him to borrow and hand them to him before walking him to the bathroom and showing him where the salts were.

I went to leave as he lightly grabbed my wrist to stop me.

~Kyles POV~

I don't know what I was doing, I felt myself blush, "you can shower with me" I say, I don't know why I'm saying this, we have never even seen each other naked before.

His eyes widen and he thinks it over "yeah, of course" he says lightly cupping my cheek as if he could sense the fact I just need someone with me "we can wear swim trunks if that'll make you feel better" he says and I sigh a bit. "Yes please" I say and he goes to grab the trunks, the pair he gave me was way to small for him, at least three years ago they would have fit him but now don't. He leaves and I put on the trunks and he walks in soon again after putting trunks on himself.

K2: Kenny x Kyle: That One Fateful Night Where stories live. Discover now