Chapter 6: The Date

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~Kyle's POV~

That day at school I was practically clinging to Kenny the whole time, I didn't wanna leave his side, the occasional person gave us a weird luck, some other people gave me specifically a weird look cuz of my bruises and lucky others minded my their own business, well to my face. They probably asked what's happened to maybe their friends, I don't care. As long as it wasn't in front of me.

Kenny stayed by my side the whole time, in class he would take what used to be Stan's seat and sit there instead, he would even move his desk so it was touching mine. It's like we were a couple, I blushed at the thought, oh man I love him.. his lilac eyes, His blonde hair, his chipped tooth.. suddenly Mysterion popped into my mind, I never got to thank him.. hey.. he has purple eyes too.. I guess I might just have a thing for people with blue and purple eyes, cuz I think I have a crush on Mysterion too.. he's so sweet.. and charming.. and- well- mysterious.. I wonder who he really is.

I get brought out of my thoughts by the teacher placing down a test in front of me and Kenny, telling Kenny to move his desk back, so he did, he moved the desk back and we took the quiz.. my brain farted, I looked over at all of the questions and stared, I knew all of the answers, every single one of them, and yet I couldn't think of how to 'show my work' even though I did the work mentally.

It took me almost until the end of the period to finish in a way the teacher would like, I usually would have finished a lot sooner so I got a few more weird looks from people. I turned it in and then went back to my desk and then stared at Kenny as he was still taking his test. I could have sworn from the corner of my eye I see Stan staring at me but I shrugged it off as if it wasn't happening and he wasn't looking at me. Kenny looked at me too but gave me a smile that made my insides all mushy. Why is he so hot? Not fair.

When class ended I walked to my next class, Kenny besides me until I felt an arm sling around me, I blushed cuz I thought it was Kenny but then I looked over and saw Clyde and got all confused. "Same time today?" He asks making me confused until I remembered what we did on Friday. "Uhm... no, but thanks" he smiled and shrugged it off and left, letting me go, only for Kenny to now wrap his arm around me again, he seemed a bit jealous but I was looking away bashfully so I wasn't even looking at how he was expressing himself if he even was.

The two of us walked to our class and sat next to each other again and Bebe, who was in front of us in this class, turned back "so are you two dating now?" She asks twirling her curly blonde hair around her finger that would fall in the shape of a curl when she dropped it from her fingers and picked up another strand of hair to twirl. My face goes red "wh- what? No- no-" I shook my head and Kenny chuckled watching me, clearly amused with my answer and the reaction I gave to the question

"You sure?" She asks lifting an eye brow and I nod my head "yeah I'm sure-" I say barely above a whisper, she just laughs a bit and then turns back around in her seat, still twirling her hair. I glance up at Kenny for him to already be looking at me "we could be" he says in a teasing voice making me blush even more "hh- Kenny- don't joke like that-" I say nudging him away, just a bit though, I don't want him to actually leave

"I'm not joking Kyle, let me take you on a date, show you what you deserve to be treated like, y'know, instead of a fuck doll like someone else has treated you before" he says glancing at Stan, Stan winced a big cuz he knew that was directed at him. I frown when he said that but I still think over it for a few seconds "really..? Like.. an actual date.. o-one with like.. tables.. and-and dressing nice?" I ask blushing a bunch, I've never been on an actual date before.

"Yeah," he chuckles "I'll take you like.. to a restaurant"

I felt my face growing even more hot, I was like a furnace "when?" I ask and he smiles reaching up and pushing my red hair from my face "how about tonight?" He asks and I stare at him, slowly nodding my head. "I'd like that.." I smile up at him. His hand cups my cheek as we look at each other with friendly smiles.

K2: Kenny x Kyle: That One Fateful Night Where stories live. Discover now