Chapter Five: The Weekend

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~Kyle's POV~
(The next morning)

I woke up in pain, it all hurt so much, I don't want to do this anymore.. I don't wanna go to school.. I don't wanna go home.. I don't wanna go anywhere more than a foot.. I don't.. I don't want to even breath.. it hurts so bad.. I wish he would have just killed me.. i feel sick it hurts so bad.. why didn't he kill me? Why must he have left me alive? I don't want to be alive.. I'm so unloveable.. I don't want to be here.. I wanna scream.. I wanna run.. I wanna sleep,. I wanna sleep forever.. I wanna die.. I want my heart to stop beating, I want my brain to shut down and I never wanna deal with it again..

I tried to get up but I just laid back down in pain, I couldn't. I couldn't move.. it hurt so bad.. I wish the pain would go away.. I don't remember much from last night, all I remember is coming home.. my dad waiting for me, he was obviously angry. He yelled .. and yelled.. until he threw his first punch.. I don't remember much after that.. the last thing I remember is a familiar caped super hero came in, and now I'm laying in.. Kenny's bed..? Did he know me and Kenny were friends..?

I soon see Kenny walking through the door with an ice pack and a wet wash cloth in a bowl filled with water. "Hey dude" he says softly and comes over to me, pushing the hair from my face, making me flinch. "Hey" I mumbled back

He sighed "how are you feeling..?" He lifted his hand and lightly dragged the wash cloth across some dried blood, cleaning it off of my face..

"Like a train ran me over and then a plane crashed right into me and then I was dragged into a den of lions where they then ate me and then shit me out and then other animals ate that and threw my remains back onto the train track." I said making him laugh a bit "oh that's not dramatic at all" he teases making me smile

"It's what happened so yeah." I tried to laugh but it hurt my stomach to much. "How did I even get here..?"

"I brought you here" Kenny answered with a small shrug

"So Mysterion came and then you followed?" I raised my eye brow and he just sighed "sure" he said and ran his fingers through my hair but it got caught on a knot so he lifts his other and hand gently works his way through it, not wanting to hurt me. I hummed and slowly nodded my head "okay?"

He just cups my cheek again and makes me look at him, I mean into him "do you need some pain meds..?" He asks quietly and I slowly nod my head "that sounds so great" I say and he gives me a small smile before getting up and coming back in 2 minutes with a glass of water and some medicine. I took the pills and drunk the water

I relaid my head down on him and we just stayed there for a while until I started to feel a bit better cuz of the medicine. He wraps his arms around me and we stay like this for another hour. I sit up and rub my eyes, "thank you" I whisper to Kenny

"Of course" he smiles and I smile back at him. Kenny always makes me feel good.. I really appreciate him.. I smile at the thought of Kenny despite him being a few centimeters next to
Me. He was a great guy and knew how to keep people calm and make them feel safe around him.

"Let's get some food in your belly" Kenny lightly Pat my side and stood up, holding his hand out to help me up and then support me when I try to walk. I walk besides him slowly, Kenny going to the kitchen and making three Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. One for me, one for him, and one I assume is for his little sister, Karen.

He hands me one and leans against the counter, making me do the same thing as I held the sandwich "thank you" I thanked him once again and he smiled.

"You're welcome Kyle" he leans his head ontop of mine as he eats his sandwich wuickly, I had barely taken a few bites of my own when he finished. The thing is he wasn't even really eating that fast, it was smooth peanut butter and it takes for ever to eat because of how thick it can be and how easily it can get stuck in your throat. That's super annoying when you have no water, but luckily for us, we were in the kitchen and that has ample amounts of water from the sink faucet directly or just grabbing a cup and drinking it with it.

K2: Kenny x Kyle: That One Fateful Night Where stories live. Discover now