Chapter 7: The Truth

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~Kyle's pov~

Kenny and I have now been dating for a few days, it was nice and slow, we kissed and held hands and he never made me feel pressured to have sex with him like Stan did. Except Stan and I didn't actually date. So we didn't hold hands or kiss randomly just to set up the mood to have sex, Kenny and I just did it to be in each others company's, anygays, I still haven't gone home and revealed myself to my parents. I know I'm going to have to, I.. I just don't want to.. I'm scared of what their reactions are going to be.. they were already so mad when I left... will they be more mad? Kinda mad? Because I know they definitely don't miss me..

I get brought out of my thoughts by Kenny's fingers interlacing mine, I look up at his purple eyes and stare, I could definitely get lost in them and stay lost in them. Probably without noticing either.

I lean into Kenny and he leans into me as we walk to school instead of taking the bus, the temperature was kinda a bit cold but us walking so close made it bearable. I kissed his shoulder once and he gave me a small smile and kissed my forehead. Just then a medium sized gray donkey runs by. "Uhm.. okay" I nod my head confused so it was slowly and Kenny just laughed then looked around and saw of course, Cartman, the fatass, who is barely able to run,  trying to follow the donkey, he wheezes and pants as he just barely manages to keep a pace where he can keep up with the donkey enough to keep it within his sight.

I snorted as I saw this, watching Cartman suffer made me happy.

Kenny seemed to notice my half smirk and tickled my side a bit "hey, don't be mean" he says playfully and kisses my cheek

"I like being mean to him though" I laugh "I know you do, so I'll allow it, not just this once, but all the time" Kenny laughs and tickles my sides some more making me laugh and even squeal a bit.

"Okay stop!" I squealed and he stopped and hugged me. I, of course hugged him back but was pretending to be mad. He poked my pouting cheek and 'awed' "you're so cute some times" he says kissing my cheek where he poked it as we leaned in and kissed each other once for a few seconds.

"But seriously, what the hell is he doing?" Kenny asks and I just shrug "probably heard about donkey basketball and is trying to make his own team, then he's gonna fail, and then forget about it forever and so are we" I say and he just holds me "that's true, because that had already happened so much" I kiss his cheek back.

We nod our heads at the same time and he just holds me as we walk "hey, can I tell you something later?" He asks and I nod my head "you can tell me now" I say and he gives me a nervous look

"I'll tell you later"

His reply made me nervous, what did he have to tell me? Why wouldn't he tell me now? It must have been super important, I didn't know what he could have done, nothing popped into my brain except the worse case scenarios, was he kicking me out? I get it, I should probably leave, I'm probably too much of a burden. I don't know why I keep burdening people. I should have left a while, he shouldn't have had to support me as much as he has. I should go to my house, just face the consequences, I know I should, I can't keep relying on Kenny as much as I do.. he's probably starting to hate me already.. and if he isn't now, he will later. I get pulled out of my thoughts by Kenny squeezing my waist.

I look up at him and he kisses my head as if sensing my distress. I relax in his arms and lay my head on his shoulder as we just stand there for a few moments just hugging. I feel as if all of my thoughts and worries just drained away the longer we stood there, and when Kenny sensed I was completely calm he slowly pulled back and we started to walk again.

Once we got to the school we went in and went to our lockers, grabbed our books and almost getting run over by a donkey

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! Come back!" Eric screamed like a little piggy making me snicker and Kenny looked down at me nudging me "hey, you might end up right" he says

K2: Kenny x Kyle: That One Fateful Night Where stories live. Discover now