Chapter Three: Stargazing

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~Kenny/ Mysterion's POV~

I held Kyle as I climbed down the tree with him. I decided we were going to Starks Pond, either we can stargaze or we can walk along the shore. Though going in is a no, that would mean my costume would get wet and dirty. And if I took it off it kinda defeats the whole purpose of a secret identity. Yes I trust Kyle, but I don't know what his reaction would be if he knew Kenny knew he tried to off himself last night.

I looked down at the male in my arms, he was staring up at me as he held onto me when I carried him. I looked down at him and we made eye contact for a few moments before he opened his mouth to speak. "You can put me down y'know" he said, his cheeks slightly pink. I hummed giving a smile.

"Yeah I know I can" I nodded my head still holding onto him as I carried him to the pond. He just looked over at where I was taking him, occasionally stealing glances at me but was only met with me already looking at him, his cheeks stained pink. Oh Satan, he was so cute. Why does he have to be in love with Stan and not me? I could treat him way better than Stan ever could damnit.

"Are we stargazing at the pond?" He asked as soon as the pond was in view. "Yup, it's quite clear out, not a cloud covering any stars" I hummed and sat down on a patch of concrete that used to hold a picnic table but no longer did because either the table was stolen or broken, maybe both.

I laid back, putting my hands behind my head as I looked up at Kyle who then turned laid back with me and looked up as well.

"See, isn't it pretty?" I asked and he nodded his head looking up at the stars as I was looking at him. He shone brighter than any star. Wow cringe. I cannot believe I just thought that.

I turned my attention back to the stars and sighed softly, letting my body relax and so did he. We both exhaled at the same time making us look at each other and laugh some before going back to staring at the stars. We laid there just staring at the stars for over a half hour. Neither of us saying stuff but occasionally Kyle would point at a constellation and silently trace it with his pointer finger. I couldn't help but admire him every time he did that. He was so smart, yet kinda dumb at the same time, it was cute.

The two of us just stared a little while longer until Kyle let out a small yawn "time to go home?" I asked and he slowly nodded his head

"Yeah, probably" he nodded as we both began to get up. The two of us walked slowly back to Kyle's house, the walk was silent other than the crunching of gravel under our shoes.

When we got back we climbed up the tree, I only followed him up to make sure he didn't get hurt, "alright, you going to be okay?" I asked and looked at me nodding his head and smiling some.

"Yeah, I'll see you around Mysterion" he hummed giving me a small little wave as he crawled in his window. I waved back and then hopped down the tree and made my own way home now.

I did my usual night time routine before heading to bed and falling asleep rather quickly.

Over a week passed, it was a Monday morning and I woke up I got dressed, ate a pop tart and was on my way out of the house to head to the school. Me and Kyle have gotten really close this past week and then a few days, well... Mysterion and Kyle. Me and Kyle got closer too just not as close. Yes I am the same person as Mysterion but I could tell that Kyle would open up and talk to Mysterion way more and for hours before Myserion would drop Kyle off at home when he looked like he was going to pass out. Kyle's mood had gotten a lot better, though he was still ignoring Stan no matter how much he whined and begged for Kyle to talk to him, Kyle would just look at me and talk to me instead.

Last night after I got off of work at Teeek bros around 10, I went to Kyle and, Kyle and Myserion stayed up all the way till 3, not the best idea but it was a Sunday and we had forgotten that today was a Monday and we just talked about stupid things, like how many people I've stopped, cats, and even the erosion of mountains some how?

K2: Kenny x Kyle: That One Fateful Night Where stories live. Discover now