Chapter Four: Waking up Next to You

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~Kyle's POV~

When I woke up the next morning I found that I was still at the pond and it was really warm. The sun was about to rise in maybe 45 minutes so it was still kinda dark but not to dark, I looked over and saw Mysterion asleep as he held me close to his chest as if he was still protecting me in his sleep, my own arms wrapped around his waist, our legs entangled together.

I felt my face heat up and I carefully let him go and nudged him "M-Mysterion.. wake up.. hey.. it's morning.." I kept nudging him as he grabbed my hand and brought it close to his chest so I would stop. "Shhh" he shushed me

"Mysterion, I have to get to school." I said quietly

"No you don't" he said, his voice not as deep as usual but it was very familiar though i couldn't put my finger on it.

"Mysterion, please?" I squeezed his hand to wake him up, he groaned and slowly sat up looking down at me and then around.

"Oh- good morning" he slowly let me go. "Morning" I hummed back stretching my arms and legs

"Let's get you home before anyone notices" Mysterion said quietly and lifted me up and carried me home before I could protest, though I don't think I would have. I yawned leaning into him as he walked with me all the way home and then climbed up the tree and I went inside my window, the both of us waving good bye and saying our see you laters.

I climbed into my room and shut the window before plopping down on my bed, seeing I had a few minutes left. I just laid there and got all flustered while thinking about Mysterion. He's so.. mysterious yet so.. familiar. I wonder who he was.. then Kenny popped into my mind and I started thinking about him too. Not piecing them together because that would be to easy.

When I looked at the clock I sighed and grabbed all my stuff and head for school, not eating breakfast because I wasn't hungry.

When I got to the bus stop Wendy was there with Stan, making out with him. I sighed and looked down standing besides them, grabbing my phone and ignoring the two, when I glanced up at them I saw Wendy practically smirking down at me, I lifted my hand and flipped her off.

She rolled her eyes and closed them and started making out with Stan again until they pulled away for air, Stan opened his eyes a bit and saw me, pushing Wendy away a bit. "Kyle! When'd you get here?" He asked making me let out a soft sigh "oh I'm not here for..." I pretended to look at a watch I wasn't wearing "about another three hours" I said sarcastically making him laugh that intoxicating laugh of his that made my heart pound in ways I wish it didn't. I couldn't help but smile as i looked at him and realized he was already smiling back before Wendy got angry and brought him down for another kiss. Stan looked like he didn't want to kiss her at first but just kinda let it happen.

The two of them just made out for a while longer as I got a text from my dad

Jerald Broflovski: so what's this about you not even attempting to try out for basketball?

I read the text over and over again, thinking of a reply. Oh shit. Fuck. Uhm. I was panicking a bit and Stan seemed to notice because he pulled away from Wendy and looked at me. "Dude you okay..?" He asked softly but I didn't answer him and just stared at my phone.

Me: they're were just so many others and i knew I wasn't going to make it

I quickly typed not knowing what else to say

Jerald Broflovski: bullshit, we both know thats a lie, there's barely any boys trying out for basketball this year. We'll talk about this later at home.

I shook my head staring at the text. Oh god.. I know that's not what that means.. Stan goes to reach out to put a hand on my shoulder but Wendy just grabs the hand and holds it instead, a nasty glare on her.. ugly face. Sure she's not ugly ugly but her personality makes her the most hideous person I have ever seen excluding myself of corse. Not to brag or anything but I get that trophy, stupid bitch.

K2: Kenny x Kyle: That One Fateful Night Where stories live. Discover now