6. Illy's email

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October 21, 2040
6:29 AM

Illy woke up to the sound of birds chirping happily outside her open window and she yawned and stretched in bed, her body jerking as she hit that one tasteful spot to release the tension from her muscles.

Why does that feel so good?

She was an early riser so she usually woke up even before her alarm could go off. In fact, her alarm was merely a reminder for her to get out of bed immediately.

After indulging in the best stretch of her life, she continued to lie in bed for a solid five seconds before the alarm clock finally started beeping incessantly.

With a click, it was silenced and she was instantly wide awake, sliding out of bed and tossing the rolled-up sheets back onto it as she stretched once more.

After checking that Lex and her parents had gone while she was asleep, she padded barefoot into the kitchen.

Breakfast for her was usually light—a simple combination of eggs and a slice of toast, maybe a bit of cheese. A handful of grapes or a banana sometimes got thrown in the mix as well. She had fallen into that routine for so long that she could make breakfast with her eyes closed.

She was pouring milk in her morning coffee when her phone buzzed on the countertop.

She picked it up to see a new message from Tanisha.

No matter how early of a riser she thought she was, Tanisha always seemed to have her beat. She was probably at her workplace before the building was even open.

T-Rex: Rise and shiiine! I know you are having your coffee by now so please don't burn yourself again. You manage to do that a lot also, did I tell you we're getting a new GM soon? I wonder what they'll be like.

Illy smiled to herself as she typed a reply.

Illy: Anyone would be better than Sticky Sandra. With the way you talked about her, I'm glad she's gone. Also don't tell me you're already at work, you promised you'd at least have breakfast these days before heading out.

T-Rex: Yes I am at work and yes I did eat breakfast. Stop micro-managing please.

IJ: Okay. What did you have then?

T-Rex: The Peace Lillies they put in HR have been looking a lot healthier since I told Janice to stop overwatering them.

T-Rex: Also I'm almost 100% positive Sandra got fired on purpose. Melody is a bitch to deal with.

Illy felt she was avoiding the question but decided to let it slide this time.

Illy: That's nice. Anyways I can't have lunch with you today. I have work plans.

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