44. Olivia's crush

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October 28, 2040
7:15 AM

Illy could almost feel their presence.

The memory of them together, their first night... it was playing over and over in her head.

She could hear Dominiks voice, feel his tender touch, his gentle lips on hers. She heard Attila's gruff tone, felt his breath on her ear and it caused her to shudder.

She felt them both, the way they moved in tandem, Attila's tight grip around her throat and Dominik's on her waist, and even as she tried to stop herself, her body was getting physically responsive and it was hard to hold back the sounds leaving her lips.

She was so weak willed.

Why couldn't she just forget them and move on?

Illy had never felt anything so strong like the lust that would rise in her every time she thought about either of her ex-bosses.
It was a weakness in her, a drug that her body responded to of its own volition, her mind betraying her.

Illy was squirming, her middle throbbing and needy as she rubbed two digits between her folds, periodically giving her sensitive bud some attention before slipping her fingers deep inside herself.

And why isn't it ever enough?

She must be insane to feel this way and she knew it. It was probably a good thing that her father hired Ten to keep her out of trouble, because with the way she was feeling, Illy wasn't entirely sure if she could control herself were she to ever come face to face with either man again.

If it were only Dominik then sure, she wouldn't think much of it, but Attila? She would have to be insane to want to see his face.

And why was she such a self destructive mess?

Illy knew what Attila wanted to do to her, she knew he was deplorable, dangerous, depraved, and maybe even downright demonic, so why couldn't she forget him?

Why did the thought of him make her hot with yearning?

Maybe because Attila loved toying with her mind. He would tease and taunt her. Degrade her and force her to submit.
He would always keep her on edge and maybe that's why she was still hooked.

It's hard to forget someone when they leave scars so deep they touch your very soul.

She was almost there when a knock at the door caused her eyes to fly open as she grabbed the sheets up to her chest.


"Are you hungry?" Came Ten's voice from behind the door, "I can make you something light."

It had been two days since she escaped the duo's suffocating grasp and yet her nervous system was still on high alert. She wasn't sure if it was the exhaustion or the adrenaline but Illy was still unable to get anything down, even though she knew she had to eat.

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