51.🔪Olivia's fantasy

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October 29, 2040
4:15 PM

So many things she'd buried and forgotten.

So many times she'd been hurt by the people who were meant to protect her.

Memories that she'd lost had finally been restored and by the end of it, Illy was shaking, sitting on the forest floor with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Grief ripped through the shield of denial she had clutched at so tightly all this time, the pain just as jarring now as it had been all those years ago.

She felt raw, exposed, stripped bare of her protective armor of amnesia.

All her life she'd believed she was in complete control when really, there was an entire life she'd been leading outside of her own memories that she had no awareness of until now.

How much had her alters influenced her choices before she was even conscious of them?

Kai was looking down at her with an unreadable expression as she unraveled, lips a firm line and eyes vacant.

"Why didn't you show me sooner?" Illy sobbed, fingers digging into the soft earth as she tried to hold back the flood of emotions swirling inside her.

"Because you weren't ready."

"When would I have ever been?"

The truth was, she didn't think anything could have prepared her for the things she'd seen.

What her own father did to her. What her mother had to do to save her.

Kai sat next to her, folding her legs under her as she kept a short distance, still as emotionless as she had always been.

Illy felt as if she was falling apart, crumbling like sand in an hourglass.

"No one is ever really in control," Kai spoke up, "They're all slaves to their past, to memories and circumstances beyond their control. And us... we're no different."

She curled further into herself, pressing her forehead to her drawn up knees.

She felt so vulnerable, so exposed.

Kai's cold demeanor crumbled ever so slightly and she drew closer, her small hand hesitant as it crept toward Illy's until their fingertips met.

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