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Before 22 years

It was a storming night in the Encanto, and everyone know the reason for that Pepa Madrigal would soon get her first child.

In the La Casita Madrigal, in Pepas room was a baby cry to hear.

Julieta smiled happy and hold the newborn baby " Is a girl Pepi! " she walked to her Mama to clean the baby.

Pepa smiled and cried happy, like Felix " Is she okay ?...." she asked worriedly her husband.

Felix smiled and kissed her head " She is perfect ".

Pepa smiled and look to Julieta and wait for her baby. As suddenly a cloud  apart again and screamed again.

" Pepa what's wrong ?! " asked Felix in panic.

Alma rushed to them, and look. She gasp and smiled happy " Pepa you having twins ! " " What ? " asked Pepa shocked.

" Is okay Pepi breatb deep in and out " and after a few minutes a other baby cried was to hear.

" It's another girl Pepita !! " said Alma happy.

Both sisters was clean up, and Julieta and Alma brought them to Pepa who cried happy and open wide her arms.

Both baby stopped crying and but still whimpering a little " Aww Pepi look at them " said Felix happy.

" They are perfect " said Alma.

" What should we name them Pepa " Pepa look at the two sisters who had feel asleep as she choose.

" Dolores and Willow " " That are wonderful names " said Alma.

Felix and Pepa kissed each other again happy.


In a big house in Bogotá sleept a red hair woman deep and sound as knock was to hear from her door " Willow are you awake ? " the person open the door and it was a other young woman came in.

She sighed and woke Willow up " Willow "  " Oh good morning Felicia " " Morning is good, look at the time " said Felicia.

Willow look at the clock, it was 12:03 p.m " Why didn't you wake me up ?! " asked Willow ran to her bath.

Felicia giggles a little " I tried, I called you a few time and you didn't woke up " " Of all days where Papa comes back from England ".

" Relax dear sister heart he will first come at night - " said Felicia and look at the table from Willow.

Willow came in that moment out.

" Have you remembered something again?....about your biological family?" She asked.

Willow sighed and sitting down sadly " .....I tried " " can't not blame yourself, what happened to you,  when you was 8 years old, was so traumatic, sure you lost some memories".

" Sure is just......I love Maman and Papa and you " " I know " " But I also remembered how much I loved my biological parents " " I know but it's not impossible that you ever find them, hmm ? " Willow nodded slowly " Yeah....maybe you right " both then left the room and go.

Far, far away behind a few mountains in the Encanto played the little Antonio happy in Casita around, it was 6 months now since Mirabel had saved the miracle and Mariano and Dolores married last month.

But since a few week Mirabel act a little bit weird, she didn't gave almos attention to anyone anymore, was a long time in the jungle and came late back and singing all time, and even Dolores acting weird with her feelings.

But Antonio tried not to think much about that, but suddenly he saw how Pico flew in the Basement.

" Pico! We are not allowed to go in there !! " he called wanted follow him but Casita moved a few floorboards to hold him back.

" Woah Casita ?! " Casita moved again a few floorboards like it would said no.

" I know Abuela and Mami and Papi said we not allowed to go in but Pico - Waahh Parce ! "  called Antonio laughed, as Parce threw him on his back and jump the stairs down.

Casita moved the floorboards angry but to late, it couldn't do anything because not like the rest of house the basement have a normal earth floor.

Antonio look scary around, this place was so dark and cold, suddenly apart a spider infront of him.

" Oh hello " he open his hand and the spider landing on that.

The spider talk to him " Oh no, I'm just looking for my friend Pico did you see - " the heard suddenly a bird sound and saw that Pico was up on a Wardrobe.

" Pico get down !! " Pico did what he said but he accidentally kicked a box and vase down, out of the box fall a few photos and other think, and the vase break.

Antonio gasped put the Spider softly down and ran to the box and broken vase " Pico! Now they will know someone".

Said Antonio stopped, he picked one of the photos up and look confused when he saw there a little red hair girl " Hey Mami looked completely different as child.

He took another photo and saw his parents with two babys on their arms.

He looked more confused

At the same time Mirabel walked around in the jungle, she waiting for someone ".

" Oh there you are Hugo " " I was so exited for today " a boy with a burn scar on his face came to her.

Both hugged each other and kissed tight.

Encanto: The lost Madrigal and the StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now