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Pepa and Felix walked around and look for their daughters.

" Willow ? " " Dolores ? " the heard suddenly a few giggles the went to the other house side and saw Willow and Dolores.

But they had put their hands in colors and made handprint on Casita wall " Girls ! " said Pepa shocked and a cloud apart.

" Mami look ! " " Girls what did you do?, your Abuela will freak out when she will see that " whispering Pepa.

" Oh we sorry Mami " " Yeah " Pepa sighed and kneel down to them.

" Is okay me bebes but you know how you Abuela is such things ".

Felix also kneeled down to them " Yeah, but is also funny " Felix smirked put his hand in blue colour and put his hand even on the wall " Felix ! " said Pepa.

Willow and Dolores giggles also exited " Nah come on Pepi your turn " " Yeah ! " " Come on Mami !! " said Dolores and Willow.

Pepa smirked than " Oh alright you got me " she put her hand in green colour and put with that even her hand on the wall.

Willow and Dolores laughed, the wrote even their names on the wall.

Dolores and Willow laughed still " So but Girls remember don't tell your Abuela that alright " asked Felix.

" Alright " " catch !! " Willow touch still with the colour in her hand Felix nose and ran with Dolores.

" Dolores ! Willow ! " called Felix with a smile and ran after them.

And Pepa still sitting there and laughed.

Suddenly Pepa woke up and she saw she was in her room. She sighed sadly just a dream again....but suddenly she jump up when she thought about what something.

She went outside and ran behind Casita, she pushed a few plants away but she froze.

The paintings she have made with Felix, Dolores and Willow was gone.....

A little cloud came over her head before the heaven get grey and a little rain fall down.

She go in sadly " Pepita? " Alma came in " Pepita what's wrong ? "

Both sitting down as Pepa explain everything " It just feels like that another part of her is taking away " Pepa crying, Alma tried to calm her down.

" Pepa no, I know how you feel believe me I know it, but you got still other things what remembers you at Willow " " It just hurt Mama " Alma hugged her as Pepa cry again.

Felix looked to the same time worried out when he saw the bad weather.

" Papi ? " he saw Antonio coming to him.
" Yes Tonito ? " " Papi who is this ? " asked Antonio and showed him a photo.

Encanto: The lost Madrigal and the StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now