Hugo García

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Before 2 months ago

In the night in the near of the was a horse ran around in the night with a person on his beg.

The horse stop as his owner stop " It's okay Amigo let us take a break " the boy took of his hood from his poncho.

It was the Hugo

Both went to a river, Amigo begang to trink and Hugo to clean his face.

He stopped when saw his reflection, he sighed angry took his water bowl to get new water.

He quiet for a moment " Where I suppose to go actually? " he asked loud.

Amgio suddenly whinnied a little and look around " Woah hey hey Amigo whats the the matter ? " Amigo leaned his head on Hugo.

Suddenly apart a Yellow butterfly, Hugo look confused.

First he landing on Hugo's Hand than came suddenly more all flew suddenly to one place.

Hugo go confused to the place, a few of the butterflys flew away and Hugo pushed the plant away and there was a cave ?.

He look confused until he notice that the heaven get grey and a little thunder sound was to hear far away.

" Alright Amigo looks like we sleep tonight here " said Hugo and go in as Amigo follow him.

But the strange think is that wasn't a cave ?, it was a kind of tunnel.

Hugo look confused as suddenly Amigo walk for the light " Hey Amigo wait " but Amigo didn't listen, Hugo follow him confused. But when both came to the end of the tunnel saw Hugo a beautiful hiding vale, and a Village it was the Encanto....

" Hey Amigo let us first go back we - " but suddenly look Hugo shocked the entry was gone ?.


Hugo and Mirabel sitting in the jungle as Hugo read together with her one of his favorite stories ' Robin Hood '.

" Woah I have to say in the England the have good books " " Yeah or ?, but I also got a book from America, but this more kinda a horror story.

" And what is the story " Hugo smiled and brought out a smaller book.

" Sleepy Hollow ? " " It's the about the story Ichabod crane and the headless rider " said Hugo and grinned.

Mirabel laughed " What is so funny ? " " I can't take you seriously " Hugo smirked before he look to his book.

" My older sister Lola always read that story, she love creepy stuff like that, she and Alejandro was always the bravest from us, atleast they was brave enough to tell Papa and Mama what they think " Hugo looked sadly, Mirabel look at him sadly.

Hugo smiled again and change the theme " You know with my Abuelo my siblings and me played often Role Plays from our Story's that was always funny " " Did Delphina played too ? " " Yes we talked and made sigh language at the same time, well atleast me and Alejandro, Lola can't sign every word. " " Hugo if that's okay I ask....did Delphina born that - " " Yes she is born that way, I was 5 so I don't remember much but I can remember only that when she was one years old she never react when I talked to her.

And that I cried hard when I heard Delphina is deaf. I didn't know what that is and was thought she would die but my father calmed me down and explain that it wasn't something bad

Since then we had learned sigh language, I don't know why but I learned it sooner than my siblings. But Delphina always was happy when she grown up " he smiled when he thought about his little sister and his older siblings as he notice the sun down.

" Oh its the sun gets down...." Mirabel sighed.

" The time flew to fast away " " Yes..." Both stand up and Hugo take her hands.

" When we see each other again " " Maybe tomorrow or in two days " " I can't wait for this " he smiled both hug each other until they kiss.

When they get apart Mirabel put something on his head " Wait what " he took it and saw it was a hat with a feather.

" I made this just for you, Mr. Hood " said Mirabel with a smile.

Hugo smiled back and made a bow " I loved my maid Marian " he took her hand and kissed her. Mirabel giggles and go away then.

She turn around and wink, like Hugo until she went back home..

Encanto: The lost Madrigal and the StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now