Dallas Winston (1)

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You yawned before speaking, "Can I take your order mam?" You asked the frustrated woman in front of you. "I told you, I don't want to order! I want a refund!" The lady shouted as you and your coworkers eyed at each other. 'She's crazy!' One of your friends mouthed making a circular motion to their head with their finger as you stifled a laugh. 

"I was given the wrong order plus this is disgustin- Hey! Are you listening to me?" The middle aged lady snapped as you sighed. "Mam again..." you start, taking her Dairy Queen bag and pulling out an empty fries container, and a half eaten burger, "I can't give you the refund seeing as you almost finished this whole meal mam. Had you taken one or two bites I could've remade it for you, but all you need is two more bites and this sandwich is gone." You said trying to sound as nice as possible.

"That's it! I want to speak to your manager!" She shouted. "Mam he's busy right now I can't-" "Well I'm not leaving till I see him!" She said standing her ground. "Miss your holding up the line!" One of the workers said as customers behind the woman agreed. "I don't care I want my refund!" She said now sounding like an adult baby.

You were all so caught up in fighting with the stubborn lady that you didn't see a certain Greaser watching this whole mess go down. He was next to another boy with a couple of strands in front of his face and a Mickey Mouse shirt. They were there watching this commotion go down before the one in the leather jacket stepped over between you behind the cashier, and the lady.

"Mam what's the problem?" The boy asked her. "Who are you?" She said looking at him sideways in a rude manner. "The manager, now what's the big deal?" He asked trying to intimidate her. "Well for starters your attire. How are you the manager wearing that?" She asked as you realized what was happening and decided to play along. "Mam, you asked for the manager, here he is, now you can hear the word no out of another person, is that what you wanted?" You asked getting impatient. The woman stuttered trying to explain her point as people around her yelled at her to leave. 

"Fine! But I won't ever be coming back here!" She said taking the bag and snatching it from you as your friend held you back from throwing a quick swing. The people cheered as she exited the restaurant, as she mumbled about how she would tell people not to come here, and the boy winked at you as you smiled. 

"That was so helpful. Thank you...uh, what's your name?" You asked him as he grinned at you. "Dallas but you can call me Dally." He said giving off this flawless grin that sent butterflies to your stomach. "And I'm Keith, but please call me Twobit." The other boy said approaching you, offering his hand for you to shake while effortlessly flirting. You giggled quietly as Dally grimaced at him. You met back to Dally's eyes as those butterflies came flying back.

"Well we have to be going now don't we Romeo?" Twobit asked teasing Dally as he snapped back and glared at Twobit. Dally gave you a nod and tipped his imaginary cowboy hat as you smiled and waved. As soon as he exited your friend and other employee members teased you about how you two looked at each other. It was all fine until you realized you might not see him again. 

2 hours later 

You sighed as you took off your hat and walked out of the door of your job. Your shift was finally over and you could finally go home and rest, maybe even try to find connections to that Dallas boy. You stepped outside and took a breath and turned the corner to go to your car, only to find Dallas standing beside it. 

"Dally?" You almost shouted speed walking over to him as he grinned, "What are you doing out here?" You asked him. "Oh I don't know, I just went around looking at other stores for a while and uh ended back up here." He said stuttering a bit. "Mhm..." you hummed then chuckled, "So where's your friend, Twobit?" You asked as he made his way over to you. "Oh probably getting waisted somewhere." He replied.

You two stayed out there by your car laughing and conversating for almost hours. "Well Dally it's getting late, I outta get home I have to work again tomorrow." "Alright but before I go, how'd you like to grab a bite sometime?" He asked you, three times with these butterflies in one day. "Sure but not at Dairy Queen." You said grinning sarcastically as you got into your car then drove off waving as Dally smirked the whole time. 

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