Sodapop Curtis (1)

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"Darlin, it's not what you think, I swear!" 

"Oh shut it you moron!"

You walked hurriedly down the street, your hands covering your ears in a immature, childish type of way. Quickly behind you was your boyfriend, Sodapop trying to reassure you. 

"Baby please! There's a reason for it all if you just let me explain!" Soda yelled behind you. You shook your head and headed quickly towards your house. 

You thought maybe by the time you got there, Sodapop would just give up and go home. Nope. He didn't even get remotely tired. 

You opened the door to you house, panicking as you tried to close it on your boyfriends face. That didn't work. 

"Darlin' I'd hate to seem crazy by breaking into your house," Soda started as he over gained you in strength and opened the door, "But I can't let you cry yourself to sleep over something that didn't happen." He finished, letting himself in and closing the door behind him. 

"No! Go away you jerk!" You hissed at him. Soda groaned, he knew he should've thought this through. Earlier in the month, Soda had become good friends with one of his new temporary employees down at the DX gas station. And you liked when Soda made friends. Especially since he was always with Steve (not that you disliked Steve or anything). Unfortunately for you, his new co worker was a female. A very nice looking female. Another Greaser female, like you. Her name was Genevieve. She was so sweet, and kind, and tame that anyone'd mistake her for a Soc right away. 

They'd constantly hang around together a lot. Even Steve, who hangs with Soda every day of his life, thought it was a little weird too. It'd led you to be self conscious. Soda noticed this though. He assured you every day before he headed off to work that he loved no one but you. But the more they hung out, the less meaningful the words had become to you. But you trusted Soda, he'd never given you a reason not to.

Until today, when you saw them hanging out at the park. Mingling like nobody's business. That's not even the big picture. It's the fact that Soda had told you he was going out of town for a while, and instead he was with the girl he told you not to worry about.

"Y/N just hear me out!" Soda said. "Get out of my house already! I don't want to talk to you. I can't believe you would do this! And on top of that, the day before my birthday! You heartless dope!" You cried. 

"Y/n..." Soda started, he came towards you with a hug but you dodged him, moving to the side. At that you could tell Soda was starting to get fustrated, with him it was easy to tell because he didn't get mad too easily. His brows furrowed and his lip twitched a bit.

"You're making this more difficult then it has to be you know!" He started. "Oh I'm sorry that I'm mad about you lying to my face to hang out with another girl!" You replied angrily. 

"And if you'd let me talk I could explain that to you!" Soda said shaking his hands with frustration. 

"Look, I said no! You lied to me and cheated on me, right before my birthday! How about you go back to your real girlfriend and just get the hell out of my house bozo!" You shouted at him.

This time his response was silence. He didn't say a word, just scratched the back of his head in discomfort and hurt. Had you gone too far? Possibly.

"Gee y/n, maybe now that you've called me every name under the sun, you'll listen to what I have to say." He said, seemingly exhausted. This time you didn't fight him. You didn't even blink, just let him continue as you flopped down on your couch.

"I never wanted you to find out this way but..." Soda started as you listened closely, ready to pounce again once he admitted to cheating, "I was planning a surprise party for you, and Genevieve was helping me." You sunk back in your seat. What? No way.

You began stuttering as Soda went on, "I lied to you and told you I was going out of town, to surprise you with a party in the park. I know you always talked about how you've always wanted a surprise I made you one. Happy early birthday." He said with a small grin, still you could tell he was hurt.

"Soda..." you said sitting up on the sofa. He shook his head while walking over to you, "It's ok. I never should've lied to you, I could've found another way to avoid this." He said. 

"No you don't have to apologize, I got mad at you for something I wanted you to do. I didn't even try to hear you out. And I called you terrible names. I am so so sorry Soda." You looked up at him. He almost shed a tear, you looked ready to beat yourself up over the way that's you reacted. 

He sat down next to you on the couch. You placed your chin in between your knees, but he grabbed you by your chin and pulled your head his way. "Why would you ever even think I would  consider about cheating on you?" Soda asked almost worriedly. 

"I don't know," suddenly you remembered why you were mad in the first place, "Because she's so smart, and educated, and pretty and funny. She's everything I thought I was times two."

"Come on she doesn't even come close to your amount of beauty! And so what she's funny? You're funnier! Yea sure she's smart, but who the hell else has been studying all their life to get a 4.0 GPA at school that's a greaser besides you?" Soda said. 

"Oh you're just saying that." You pouted tossing your head, looking away from him with your arms crossed. You felt the couch indent as Soda shifted beside you. 

It was silent for a moment, but you felt the presence of Sodapop grow up on you as he got closer to you. Suddenly you neck tickled with the breathing of Soda right next to you. He pressed gentle soft kisses along the trail of your neck as you held back giggles as best as you could. 

"Darlin', don't you think if I wanted to be with anyone other than you, I would've by now?" He paused the affection, then started back this time along the trace of your palms. 

"Yea yea, like that's supposed to make me feel any better." You said trying to hide your small grin. " about the fact that Genevieve doesn't even find me attractive! She said I'm not her type." Soda finished. 

"Say what!? How? You're literally gorgeous!" You replied. "I know right!" Soda agreed. You both bursted out in laughter as you fell into his arms. 

You sighed after endless minutes of laughing and looked up at your boyfriend. "I love you Sodapop." You said smiling at him. 

"I love you even more, and not anyone or anything can change that." 



"You know if you also payed attention to everything around you, you would've seen Ponyboy, Darry, and Johnny off to the side helping out with decorations." 

You gave your boyfriend a deep side eye, "And why are you bringing this up again?"

"Just letting you know." He shrugged with a small smirk on his face, heading over to your kitchen. You laid in silence staring up at the ceiling above you, letting everything process. You must've thought too hard because your eyes began to close.

"Also there was clearly a happy birthday banne-"

"SODA!" your eyes shot open.

"Just saying babe." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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