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Daddy's Eyes ; The Killers


I stumbled down the cracked sidewalk that lead to the infamous CVS. The breaks in the concrete slowly started to fill with an outburst of rain drops, but I didn't really mind getting soaked. Nothing completely mattered right now, except for toothpaste.

The automatic doors slid open and I made my way into the dental care isle of the store. It was nearly seven in the morning and I had woken up to an empty tube of toothpaste sitting on the bathroom counter, hence the reason for my short adventure here.

CVS was barren with the exception of the Manchester early birds and a middle aged teenager on a mission for some Colgate toothpaste.

As soon as I reached for the last tube of Colgate toothpaste another hand reached and pulled it out of my fingers. He had dark hair and an intimidating appearance, and for a split second I almost didn't want to stand up to him and take the toothpaste.

"Hey buddy boy, would you mind if I had that instead? Kinda need it." I smiled, hoping he would just give me the toothpaste but he gave me a cold stare instead.

"Please?" I begged while looking up at him. He seemed to be about half a foot taller than me but I couldn't really tell because his posture was terrible.

"Just buy that one." He pointed to the hundreds of tubes of Crest toothpaste sitting on the shelf. There was a reason why there was only one Colgate left and an indignant number of Crest: no one fucking likes Crest toothpaste. Colgate is all the rage.

"God, no. Crest sucks." I shoved the ugly tube of Crest deep into the shelf so it wouldn't have to listen to my insults. It might be some crappy toothpaste but it doesn't deserve to hear me trash talk it.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I took the last one. And I find it rather strange that you're fighting me about toothpaste." The obnoxious boy held his chin up higher and looked down at me with only his eyes, making him appear taller than he really is. His hair covered half his face, but from the part I can see he wasn't too bad looking.

"I got this first, therefore I'm buying it." I don't see why it mattered to him what brand of toothpaste he used, in theory they all do the same job. Just Colgate does it better.

"Come on, can't you just let me have it?" I pleaded but he was't having it. I had to get my cat Colgate toothpaste because she hates Crest and wouldn't let me brush his teeth with it because he's a stubborn bitch. But John and I get alone alright if I buy him the right brand of toothpaste.

"No." He pulled out a cigarette and shoved it between his lips, casually lighting it in the middle of the store full of old people. All these old people should tell him how bad smoking is, because he would never make it to their age by smoking. I smoke too but I like to think of myself as a conservative smoker so I'll live forever at the rate I'm going.

"I don't think you're supposed to light that in here." I blankly pointed out and he flicked the butt, spilling ashes onto the carpet and nearly starting a fire. "Ew."

"Want one?" He held out a pack of Marlboros and I innocently shoved my hands deeper into my pockets.

"No, I want my Colgate toothpaste." I stood my ground as I recalled the real reason I was here so early.

"Here ya go," The boy threw me the box containing the toothpaste in my direction and I slyly caught it.

"Why does this feel so light?" I shook the box in my hand and felt something move but it definitely wasn't toothpaste. 

"Open it." He grinned and I gave him a weird look in response. My long nails latched underneath the tape and I pulled the packaging open. Inside, there wasn't toothpaste, but a cigarette. I pulled it out and found that it had a series of digits scribbled along the side of which I'm assuming was his phone number. I thought about smoking it and not even bother to acknowledge that he was hitting on me, but the cigarette would taste bad with my morning breath so I decided against it. 

"What the hell? How did you even..." I was amazed by how he managed that.

"It's a magic trick. Maybe I can teach you it sometime." I watched as his blank emotion changed to a smug grin.

"You're funny," I said while giving him back the empty box, "Now where did you put the toothpaste?"

"It's a magic trick." He repeated.

"Dude, all I want is the toothpaste. I don't want your phone number." Whatever was going on made me realize that there are some freaky people who come to CVS in the wee hours of the morning, and you will never find me here at this time again.

"Let's make a deal," The irritating boy spoke.


"You can have your toothpaste, if you let me take you to dinner tonight." He declared. By the looks of this chump, he probably had no money and could barely afford to feed himself. He had holes in his jeans the size of the moon but I didn't know if that meant he was poor or he was going for a specific look.

"Can't do that. My mother always told not to engage with boys who hide cigarettes with their number on it in toothpaste boxes." I couldn't help but let a short chuckle escape my lips while his face seemed to drop a little.

I found his personality to be somewhat obnoxious, but it could just be my lack of wanting to be up at this hour. "So I'm going to answer for you and say yes." His arm twitched and for a second I assumed he was going to touch me, but then he pulled it back. I was beginning to get really nervous, but we was in too public of a place for him to hurt me or do anything illegal. Although he was smoking and no one seemed to stop him.

"Well alright then." How much harm could happen? But you never know what could happen when a boy you were just fighting about toothpaste with asks you on a date. 

"And I didn't catch your name."

"Ken." I said, knowing what would come next.

"Ken? Like Barbie's boyfriend? You're serious?" His eyebrows furrowed together as his expression changed once again. I surprisingly didn't roll my eyes, unlike my usual response when someone brings up Barbie.

"That's the one. And what's your name?"

"Matty." He took the empty box out of my hand and slipped the tube of Colgate toothpaste inside then handed it back to me. "Here you go, Barbie. Imma call you that now."

I thanked him for ending the pointless argument on a good note and we planned on a time to meet tonight, which seemed like a really creepy way get a girl on second thought but I guess it worked in his favor.


lol I pinky promise that the rest of the book won't be as weird as this I don't know what the hell this is. and I apologize for john being a cat he's much more than a cat i love him dearly

shoutout to myself for finally posting the first chapter. this has been sitting in my drafts for months

TOOTHPASTE//MATTY HEALYWhere stories live. Discover now