twelve - day one

42 2 0

the good, the bad and the dirty - panic


day one of seven

I got off the plane extremely jet lagged with the intension of going straight to our hotel and sleeping, but Matty had other plans. I slept for about half of the plane ride, which didn't give me enough energy for the day, while Matty acted like his blood was pure red bull. 

"Alright Ken, first we're going to Time Square because it's been on my bucket list since I was like, six. I don't really know anything that's there but it's iconic so why not." Matty pulled me into a cab and it took around an hour to get to Time Square from JFK airport. Matty and I didn't talk much, since we were too busy staring out the window. New York was almost the complete opposite of England and I couldn't decide which one I liked better from looking out the window. 

Time Square was everything I imagined it wouldn't be. I have never been so close to so many people, it was almost like you were in a pit at a concert but not as fun. We walked around for a good half but there was really nothing to see except for hundreds of Americans who had pretty cool accents. Matty and I agreed that we were hungry, so food became more important than our original plan.

Matty chose to get burgers because he wanted to act like a real american, even though his accent is so thick that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't pass as an american.

After Matty and I fought over what cheese tastes best on a burger, we ate in silence. I didn't have anything I specifically wanted to do in New York so I decided to leave all the planning up to Matty.

"So the day is almost over, so I guess we can just sleep when we get to our hotel. Tomorrow we can do whatever, but Wednesday I have my meeting so you're gonna have to amuse yourself for the whole day." Matty informed me of the schedule.

I nodded in response because I was too tired to open my mouth to do anything else but eat. The time difference was a bitch and it gave me a pounding headache that was 100 times worse than a hangover. Matty seemed unaffected by it however, he looked happier and more energized than ever.

The hotel was probably the creepiest place I've ever been, but I didn't even care that much because I was so tired. I left my suitcase in the middle of the floor and went to bed in the clothes I've been wearing all day.

The weight in the bed shifted and Matty crawled in next to me, and I felt his cold chest press up against me. In the few nights I've spent with Matty, he has never been one to cuddle but I guess he's feeling risky tonight.


The dim lights in the hotel room blinded me, and sat up to see Matty pacing around the room in only his boxers. 

"Matty, what the hell are you doing?" I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock, mentally crying because it was only 4 am. "Fucking go to bed."

"I can't, fuck, I can't. I haven't slept all night because I'm so fucking stressed and fuck fuck fuck. All I can think about is my stupid books, and if the publisher doesn't like it than we spent so much money just to come here for no reason." Matty's voice got louder as he spoke, and it started to give my headache back. If this is going to happen for the rest of the trip than I think I'll just start walking back to England now.

"Baby, stop worrying, just go to bed." I groaned, throwing the pillow over my face in anger.

"Don't you think I have fucking tried, Ken? It's 4 am, there is nothing I want more than to go to sleep, but my body is saying fuck that." Matty sat back on the bed, pushing his little chicken legs under the covers. His cold feet rubbed against my calves and I kicked them away because I was pretty mad at him for waking me up.

"Shh, Matty baby, just relax." I whispered as Matty shut his eyes, but he was still far from sleeping. I started to wake up again, so there was no point of even trying to go back to bed. Because of the shit timezones I would be already up and halfway through the day, so this wasn't too bad for me.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, Barbie," Matty apologized, stroking my arm. 

"It's okay, but just try to sleep, Matty you need to." I assured him and lightly kissed him.

"Ew, you have morning breath." He said blatantly and sighed and I covered my face with the pillow again to shield my eyes from the single light bulb that was still on.

"Turn off the lights, hoe." I smacked Matty's bare chest because I sure as hell was not getting up, and he turned them on so it's only fair if he turns them off. 

"You do it, hoe." Matty slapped be back, but he hit me in the chest which hurt a lot more than when I hit him.

"But you turned them on!" I complained, only wanting Matty to do one single thing. It was times like these where I wish all lights had that clappy thing where you just clap twice and they turn on and off. It would solve a lot of problems, maybe even stop all war.

"But you want them off." I couldn't see Matty, but I was almost one hundred percent sure he was grinning to mock me. I agreed to fly all the way to New York with him even though I've only known him for about two months, and Matty can't even do as much as turn off the lights.

"Ugh, you suck." I groaned and went back to sleep with the lights on. I'm not even sure if Matty ever went to bed but I don't really care.


hey ya'll so this was pretty boring but there are still six other days for them to just party it all up in nyc yo. 

and for future reference sorry if i screw up any information about england. i live in new york so i have absolutely no idea what goes on outside of here but dump trump no matter where you are

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2016 ⏰

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